Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Support heroes like Malfurion can swing the tide of battle, assisting with healing, buffs, or other abilities to manipulate the battle in the favor of allies.

On the in-game leaderboard, the amount of healing performed by Supports is tracked by the "Role" column.

Support generally tend to be low to mid range damage-dealers, with higher utility and mid range survivability and complexity.

The values in the lists below are provided by Blizzard and are in no way indicative of individual players' experience.

In 2019, the support class will be redesigned to group heroes that provide unique advantages to their team (whereas healers get their own class). The new support category will include Abathur, Lost Vikings, Medivh, Tassadar, and Zarya.[1]


By damage[]





By utility[]





By survivability[]







By complexity[]









  1. 2018-11-16, BlizzCon 2018 Heroes of the Storm: What’s Next Panel Transcript. Heroes of the Storm, accessed on 2018-11-20