Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Franchise-warcraft This is from the Warcraft universe.

Heroes of the Storm, huh? Got to say... I might have an unfair advantage.

Damage (6/10) Utility (7/10) Survivability (7/10) Complexity (5/10)

Rehgar is a Melee Support Hero from the Warcraft universe.


Rehgar Earthfury has seen his share of combat, both as a gladiator, and a master of his own team of fighters. Now, having put that life aside, he serves as a simple shaman of the Earthen Ring, earning his redemption by healing the broken lands of Azeroth.

Gameplay Summary[]

He is based on the shaman unit of Warcraft III. He is fast moving and aggressive. He can change into a mount form whenever he wants very quickly, turning into a ghost wolf.[1]


  • Has no acute weaknesses
  • Capable to dominate fight with proper positioning of Earthbind Totem
  • Consistent multi-target healing
  • Enables both melee and ranged heroes
  • Flexible build
  • Ancestral Healing is very powerful in protecting key heroes
  • Cooldowns of basic abilities are low


  • Has to dive or lose potential of Lightning Shield if his team is weak in melee fights
  • Poor burst damage, especially when enemy has unstoppable or escape ability to counter Earthbind Totem
  • Chain Heal has the danger of being target of hero-unit abilties
  • Does not have enough utility to enable diver without heroic abilities or Cleanse


Chain Heal (Q)
Mana: 65
Cooldown: 9 seconds

Heal an ally for 240 (+4% per level) Health, then heal up to two other nearby allies for 240 (+14 per level) Health each.

Lightning Shield (W)
Mana: 60
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Imbue an ally with lightning dealing 32 (+4% per level) damage a second to nearby enemies. Lasts 5 seconds.

Earthbind Totem (E)
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 15 seconds

Create a totem that slows nearby enemies by 35%. The totem has 225.68 (+4% per level) Health and lasts for 8 seconds.


Ghost Wolf (D)
Cooldown: 0.5 seconds

Instead of using a mount, you transform into a Ghost Wolf with 20% increased Movement Speed. Basic Attacks in Ghost Wolf form cause you to lunge at your target and deal 75% bonus damage. Dealing damage, using Abilities, and channeling cancels Ghost Wolf form.

Heroic Abilities[]

Ancestral Healing [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 80
Cooldown: 100 seconds

After 1 second, heal an allied Hero for 1475 (+4% per level) Health.

Cannot be used on yourself.

Bloodlust [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 70
Cooldown: 90 seconds

Grant nearby allied Heroes 40% Attack Speed and 30% Movement Speed and causes them to heal for 25% of the Basic Attack damage to their primary target. Lasts for 8 seconds.


Tier 1, Hero Level 1[]

Colossal Totem
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Increases the area and range of Earthbind Totem by 50%.

Electric Charge
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Increases the radius of Lightning Shield by 25%.

Wolf Run
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Increases the Movement Speed of Ghost Wolf from 20% to 30%.

Tier 2, Hero Level 4[]

Spiritwalker's Grace
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Reduces Chain Heal's Mana cost from 65 to 45.

Feral Heart
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Increases Health and Mana Regeneration by 75% while in Ghost Wolf form.

Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

When Lightning Shield damages an enemy it restores 4 Mana, up to 40.

Healing Totem
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Activate to place a Totem that heals allies in an area for 1.95% of their maximum Health every second for 10 seconds.

Tier 3, Hero Level 7[]

Blood and Thunder
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Ghost Wolf attacks reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 2 seconds.

Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Activate to reveal an area for 10 seconds. Enemies in the area are revealed for 4 seconds.

Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Activate to make target ally Unstoppable for 1 second. Cannot be cast on yourself.

Totemic Projection
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Increase Earthbind Totem's duration from 8 to 12 seconds, and it can be reactivated to move an existing totem to a new location once.

Tier 4, Hero Level 10[]

Ancestral Healing [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 80
Cooldown: 100 seconds

After 1 second, heal an allied Hero for 1475 (+4% per level) Health.

Cannot be used on yourself.

Bloodlust [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 70
Cooldown: 90 seconds

Grant nearby allied Heroes 40% Attack Speed and 30% Movement Speed and causes them to heal for 25% of the Basic Attack damage to their primary target. Lasts for 8 seconds.

Tier 5, Hero Level 13[]

Earth Shield
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Lightning Shield gives a Shield that absorbs damage equal to 12% of their maximum Health for 3 seconds.

Tidal Waves
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Reduces Chain Heal's cooldown by 1 second for every Hero hit.

Earthliving Enchant
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

When Chain Heal heals a Hero below 50% Health, they are healed an additional 208 (+4% per level) Health over 5 seconds.

Tier 6, Hero Level 16[]

Earthgrasp Totem
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

When Earthbind Totem is first cast, it slows nearby enemies by 90% for 1 second.

Hunger of the Wolf
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Ghost Wolf attacks against Heroes deal an additional 5% of the target's maximum Health and heal you for 5% of your maximum Health.

Rising Storm
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Every time Lighting Shield damages an enemy Hero, increase that Lightning Shield's damage by 15%. Stacks up to 15 times.

Tier 7, Hero Level 20[]

Farseer's Blessing
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Increases healing amount by 50%. Allies near the target are healed for 50% of the amount of health regained.

Gladiator's War Shout
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

All allies affected by Bloodlust now heal for 60% of their Basic Attack damage done to their primary target.

Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Activate to reset the cooldowns of your Basic Abilities.

Storm Shield
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)
Cooldown: 45 seconds

Activate to give all nearby allied Heroes a Shield for 20% of their max Health for 3 seconds.

Talent Builds[]


  • Use Ghost Wolf (Z) as a combo move for an extra amount of damage.
  • Earthbind Totem (E) can be used as a scouting tool. Place it near mercenaries to discover if the opposing team is trying to capture them. If so, coordinate with Rehgar's team and ambush.
  • Use Lightning Shield (W) as a means for killing the Infested Servants on Garden of Terror. The area of effect ability will help you clean up the clumps of plants in a swift manner.[2]



The Butcherplate
Being a more aggressive Support, Rehgar can reliably keep The Butcher alive and provide additional damage to his targets. Lightning Shield is good for extra bits of damage, and also aids in waveclear, which is important when The Butcher is gathering Fresh Meat, while Earthbind Totem is useful to prevent opponents from fleeing, especially when they have been marked with Butcher's Brand. Lastly, Bloodlust greatly boosts The Butcher performance.

Li Liplate
Similarly to Uther, Rehgar is a strong healer, and has the right tools to complement Li Li's set. His Lightning Shield can be used in conjuntion with Cloud Serpent on Warriors and Melee Assassins to improve their trading ability, while Earthbind Totem works fantastically with Water Dragon, especially if Earthgrasp Totem is taken, allowing for a massive slow chain.

Effective against[]

Effective foes[]


Shaman of the Earthen Ring (base)
RehgarSHBlue RehgarSHBrown RehgarSHRed Rehgar - Riptide
Shaman of the Earthen Ring Timberwolf Bloodlust Riptide IconShard 100
Storm Wolf IconShard 100
Long ago the spirit of Lo'gosh revealed itself to the orc clans of Draenor. To this day his ferocity and feral instincts still serve as a guide to the shaman of the Earthen Ring.
RehgarMSBlue RehgarMSGreen RehgarMSRed
Storm Wolf Mag'har Crimson
Ironclaw IconShard 400
The deal was simple... His life in exchange for training Garrosh's warriors. With their victory in Orgrimmar, Rehgar knew the Iron Horde could only be brought down from withiin.
Features themed abilities.
RehgarIRBlue RehgarIRBrown RehgarIRBlack Rehgar - Voidclaw
Ironclaw Chaos Pallid Voidclaw
Rehgar - Ironclaw - Saronite
Saronite IconShard 600
Mecha IconShard 2400
The Rehgar mecha serves as the command unit for the Principality of Orgrimmar's Ghost Wolf Brigade. Its ability to support Mechastorm's forces proved invaluable when the xenotech menace invaded.
This skin is related to the Mechastorm themed-skins. Features altered voice-over, themed abilities and themed animations.
Rehgar - Mecha Rehgar - Mecha - Custom Rehgar - Mecha - Death's Head
Mecha Custom Death's Head
Great-father Winter IconShard 400
Some people believe that Great-father Winter is just a symbol of commercialization created by Smokeywood Pastures. Those people get coal shoved up their stockings.
This skin is related to the Winter Veil themed-skins. Features themed abilities.
RehgarGFWRed RehgarGFWBlue RehgarGFWWhite
Great-father Winter Frozen Ivory


Patch changes[]


  1. 2014-07-21, Heroes of the Storm Dev Discusses New Warcraft Hero, Upcoming Map, and Making the Game Unique. Gamespot, accessed on 2014-07-22
  2. 2014-07-22, REHGAR HERO WEEK. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2014-07-27

External links[]
