Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Franchise-starcraft This is from the StarCraft universe.

Hit 'em hard and fast.

Damage (9/10) Utility (1/10) Survivability (6/10) Complexity (3/10)

Raynor is a Ranged Assassin Hero from the StarCraft universe. Players use Raynor while playing the tutorial.


Ex-Confederate Marshal James Raynor has stood against whatever the universe can throw at him and survived. He stands as a bright beacon of hope among enigmatic aliens and monsters, still fighting for justice in a cold uncaring universe.

Gameplay Summary[]

Raynor's abilities allow him to keep enemies at bay while dealing damage to them, and he can call in air support to take down enemies and forts with ease.



  • Heavy reliance on physical attacks
  • Lack of escape and engage
  • Lack of variety of abilities
  • Does not pair well with ability-oriented attackers


Penetrating Round (Q) [Skillshot]
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Deals 220 (+4% per level) damage, knock back, and Slow enemies in a line by 20% for 2 seconds. Enemies close to Raynor are knocked back further.

Inspire (W)
Mana: 40
Cooldown: 12 seconds

Raynor and all nearby allied Minions and Mercenaries gain 30% Attack Speed and 10% Movement Speed for 4 seconds. Casting Inspire resets Raynor's Basic Attack cooldown.

Adrenaline Rush (E)
Mana: 75
Cooldown: 45 seconds

Heal Raynor for 25% of his maximum Health over 1 second. Raynor's Basic Attacks lower the cooldown of this by 0.5 seconds, doubled against Heroes.


Give 'Em Some Pepper [Passive]

Every 4th Basic Attack splashes in a small area and deals 125% more damage to the primary target.

Heroic Abilities[]

Hyperion [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 100
Cooldown: 100 seconds

Order the Hyperion to make a strafing run dealing 68.64 (+4% per level) damage a second, hitting up to 4 enemies. Also occasionally fires its Yamato Cannon on Structures for 825.76 (+4% per level) damage. Lasts 12 seconds.

Raynor's Raider [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 0
Cooldown: 45 seconds

Summon a Banshee that assists Raynor. The Banshee deals 84 damage per second and regenerates 75 Health per second if it hasn't taken damage in the last 4 seconds. Can reactivate to retarget or move the Banshee. The Banshee respawns automatically after 45 seconds.


Tier 1, Hero Level 1[]

Give Me More!
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Increases Adrenaline Rush healing by 50%. While Inspire is active, gain 1 Basic Attack range.

Seasoned Marksman
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

IconQuestTalent Quest: Every Minion killed near you grants 0.2 Attack Damage, and Takedowns grant 0.5 Attack Damage.
IconQuestTalent Reward: Upon gaining 40 bonus Attack Damage, you can also activate Seasoned Marksman to increase your Attack Speed by 40% for 3 seconds. 60 second cooldown.

Storm temp war3 btnreveal
Scouting Drone
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)
Cooldown: 45 seconds

Places a Scouting Drone at target location, granting vision and revealing a large area around it for 45 seconds. This drone cannot be hidden and is killed by enemies with 2 Basic Attacks. Stores up to 2 charges.

Tier 2, Hero Level 4[]

Focused Attack
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Every 10 seconds, your next Basic Attack deals 60% additional damage. Basic Attacks reduce this cooldown by 1 second.

Vigorous Assault
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Basic attacks heal for 15% of the damage dealt to the primary target.

Confident Aim
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Lowers the cooldown of Penetrating Round by 4 seconds if it hits an enemy Hero.

Relentless Leader
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

If you are Stunned or Rooted, all nearby enemies are knocked back and the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush is reduced by 10 seconds. Can only occur every 8 seconds.

Tier 3, Hero Level 7[]

Hamstring Shot
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Enemies hit by Penetrating Round have a 20% Movement Speed slow for 3 seconds.

Revolution Overdrive
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Gain 10% Movement Speed while affected by Inspire. Increase this bonus by 5% for each allied Hero nearby when Inspire is cast.

Fight or Flight
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Whenever Adrenaline Rush activates, it gives 25 Armor, reducing damage taken by 25% for 4 seconds. Adrenaline Rush can also be manually activated.

Puttin' On a Clinic
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Whenever an enemy you have recently damaged is destroyed, your Ability cooldowns are reduced by 1.5 seconds.

Tier 4, Hero Level 10[]

Hyperion [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 100
Cooldown: 100 seconds

Order the Hyperion to make a strafing run dealing 68.64 (+4% per level) damage a second, hitting up to 4 enemies. Also occasionally fires its Yamato Cannon on Structures for 825.76 (+4% per level) damage. Lasts 12 seconds.

Raynor's Raider [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 0
Cooldown: 45 seconds

Summon a Banshee that assists Raynor. The Banshee deals 84 damage per second and regenerates 75 Health per second if it hasn't taken damage in the last 4 seconds. Can reactivate to retarget or move the Banshee. The Banshee respawns automatically after 45 seconds.

Tier 5, Hero Level 13[]

Giant Killer
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes deal bonus damage equal to 1.5% of the Hero's maximum Health.

Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Penetrating Round gains a second charge.

Steel Resolve
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Increases Inspire's duration by 50% and causes Adrenaline Rush to also apply Inspire.

Tier 6, Hero Level 16[]

Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Attacking a Hero that is slowed, rooted, or stunned increases your Basic Attack damage by 30% for 3 seconds.

Cluster Round
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Penetrating Round damage is increased by 20% for each additional target hit, and the width is increased by 50%.

Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

The first enemy hit by Penetrating Round is stunned for 1.0 second.

Tier 7, Hero Level 20[]

Scorched Earth
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

An additional set of lasers blast the ground 5 times per second, dealing 41.6 (+4% per level) damage in an area.

Dusk Wing
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Increase the damage, Health, and leash range of Raynor's Raider by 100%. When it dies, both Inspire and Adrenaline Rush are activated for free.

A Card to Play
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Whenever a Hero (ally or enemy) is killed, the cooldown of your Heroic Ability is reduced by 15 seconds.

Nexus Frenzy
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Increases Attack Speed by 20% and Attack Range by 20%.

Talent Builds[]




Effective against[]

Li Liplate
While Li Li does have an advantage against Basic Attackers thanks to Blinding Wind, Raynor's increased attack requires Li Li to frontline in order to blind him, which can easily make her vulnerable.

Effective foes[]


Renegade Commander
Jim1 Jim2 Jim3
Renegade Commander War Pig Dominion
Stars and Stripes IconShard 100
While the United States Space Force successfully rescued their colonists from the Koprulu sector, Colonel James Raynor couldn't shake the feeling those monsters would follow them to Earth.
Screenshot2015-06-21 02 05 59 Screenshot2015-06-21 02 06 04 Screenshot2015-06-21 02 06 08
Stars and Stripes Guardian Agent
Commander IconShard 100
Some days it's good to get out of the CMC Powered Combat Suit and into something a bit more comfortable.
Features altered voice-over and themed animations.
Screenshot2015-06-21 01 28 37 Screenshot2015-06-21 01 28 42 Screenshot2015-06-21 01 28 47 Raynor - Commander - Urban
Commander Jungle Desert Urban
Raynor - CM - Amphibious
Amphibious IconShard 150
Special Ordnance IconShard 100
A small yellow note stuck to the inside says, "Hey, cowboy. Thought that suit of yours could use an upgrade or two, you can thank me later. -Swann"
Jim4 Jim5 Jim6
Special Ordnance Crimson Brass
Marshal IconShard 400
Once the Confederacy mined Mar Sara dry of resources, the colonists became desperate. Marshal James E. Raynor found himself alone, trying to keep the peace on a world in chaos.
Features altered voice-over and themed abilities.
MarshalRaynor1 MarshalRaynor2 MarshalRaynor3
Marshal Dominion Old


JimRaynor SC2 DevRend2

Raynor's old appearance

Raynor was conceived within the first two years of the game's development.[1] He appeared in early builds of Heroes of the Storm. He was good at supporting fellow heroes and troops and could bestow bonuses on them. He benefited from intelligence items.

As with all heroes in the game in its early development, he had a "good" and "evil" version. The former was much like his appearance in Wings of Liberty. As an evil hero however, he became "Emperor Raynor", complete with more evil-looking armor and weaponry.[2]

Original Stats
  • Life: 2
  • Attack: 1.75
  • Abilities: 4
  • Speed: 3.25[2]
Original Abilities
  • Command aura
  • Piercing shot
  • Mark target
  • Flare
  • Rally
  • Call reinforcements[2]


Patch changes[]


  1. 2016-11-21, BlizzCon 2016 Heroes of the Storm Deep Dive Panel Transcript. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2016-11-21
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 StarCraft Legacy staff. 2010-10-22. BlizzCon 2010 StarCraft II Custom Maps and Editor Panel. StarCraft Legacy. Accessed 2010-10-23.

External links[]
