Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Questing Talents are a special type of talent or ability available to heroes. While they function similarly to normal talents and abilities by providing passive buffs, an additional level of power is unlocked when certain requirements are met. This unlocked potential is then permanent throughout the entire match, persisting through death.

Each Questing Talent is split into two: the quest part that functions as the passive buff, and the reward part that shows what unlock is available and the conditions required to meet it. These are available for selection beginning at the very first level.

  • Questing Talent progress are clearly indicated in Ability tooltips, Talent tooltips, and on the Buff bar.
  • Questing Talent icons on the in-game Score Screen (TAB) display progress toward completion for all players in a game. A quest column is found in the Talents tab.
  • Upon completing a quest, a personal notification will now display for the player at the top center of the screen stating the name of the completed quest.
  • Visual effects briefly appear around a Hero when they complete a Questing Talent.
  • Notifications appear in the in-game Event Log (AKA Kill Feed) whenever a player completes a quest or reaches an important quest milestone. Quest resets appear next to the portrait of the slain enemy in the Event Log.

Patch changes[]

  • Patch (Patch April 24, 2018Note: Skillshots, as well as other Abilities and Talents that search for targets, will now pass through Invulnerable targets without granting quest progress.
  • Patch (Patch September 5, 2017Note: Visual effects that appear around a Hero upon completing a Talent or Ability Quest have been updated to make them more visually apparent.; Other lengthy updates.
  • Patch (Patch May 16, 2017Note: Visual effects that appear upon completing a Talent Quest have received updates and should now be much more apparent.
  • Patch (Patch April 25, 2017Note: Fixed a bug that caused quest talents that track every second to ping continuously. They will now only ping every 5 seconds as intended.
  • Patch (Patch September 13, 2016Note: Pausing a replay prior to opening the Talent Panel (TAB) will no longer prevent Questing Talent progress from displaying.
  • Patch (Patch August 9, 2016Note: Many Questing Talents will now properly appear and track progress in the Buff bar found below the in-game Hero Portrait.
  • Patch (Patch May 17, 2016Note: New sound effects have been added that will play when making progress with a Questing Talent.