Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Promotional mounts are mounts that are given as part of an event, typically the release of a game or expansion, or coinciding with BlizzCon. Promotional mounts typically are not available for purchase or crafting after the event has ended.

Alternate skins are given for free when the mount is unlocked.


Busan Police Hovercycle Felstalker - Purple Hearthstone Card - Blue Malthael's Phantom - Blue
Busan Police Hovercycle Celestial Steed Felstalker Hearthstone Card Malthael's Phantom
Mechanospider - Blue Nexus Razorback Overwatch Nexagon Void Speeder - Green Vulture3
Mechanospider Nexus Razorback Overwatch Nexagon Void Speeder Vulture Zebra


Billie the Kid - Yellow Golden Cyber Wolf - Gold Golden Tiger - Gold Hell Billie1
Billie the Kid Flames of Judgment Charger Golden Cyber Wolf Golden Tiger Hell Billie
Ironside Dire Wolf Nexus Battle Beast Nexus Charger Nexus Tiger
Ironside Dire Wolf Nexus Battle Beast Nexus Charger Nexus Tiger
Obsidian Cyber Wolf Orochi Hovercycle Wonder Billie - White
Obsidian Cyber Wolf Orochi Hovercycle Wonder Billie