Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Player level is the sum of all Hero levels earned beyond 1, so if a player has five heroes at level five, player level will be 20 (i.e. not counting level one, so 5 heroes times 4 levels each). Players can view their total player level by checking their profiles, or by hovering the cursor over their portraits in the game’s menus.


By level[]

  • Level 1: slots 1-10 are available
  • Level 2 - 4: Loot Chest
  • Level 5: Rare Loot Chest, Slot 11 unlocked
  • Level 6 - 9: Loot Chest
  • Level 10: Rare Loot Chest, Slot 12 unlocked, 7 day Stimpack
  • Level 11 - 14: Loot Chest
  • Level 15: Rare Loot Chest, Slot 13 unlocked
  • Level 16 - 19: Loot Chest
  • Level 20: Rare Loot Chest, Slot 14 unlocked
  • Level 21 - 24: Loot Chest
  • Level 25: Epic Loot Chest, 150 gems

Beyond level 25, the following applies:

  • Every level rewards a Loot Chest that doesn't already reward a Rare or Epic Loot Chest.
  • Rare Loot Chests are rewarded every 5 levels.
  • Epic Loot Chests and 150 gems are rewarded every 25 levels.


Player progression badges in the Profile, Score Screen, and Quest Log will display the player’s current level up to 99.

  • Player progression badge art will receive more decoration every 25 player levels.
  • Every 100 player levels, the level displayed in the progression badge will reset, and the badge will upgrade with even more ornate artwork.
  • The Basic Portrait Border will update every 100 levels with new art that matches the player’s progression badge.


Previously level 15 unlocked artifacts as well.

Patch changes[]

  • Patch (Patch April 28, 2017Note: Progression portrait border art will no longer persist on players’ portrait borders in the chat window after switching to Hero or Team League borders.; Players will now correctly receive notification that they have earned 1,000 Gems as a reward for reaching player level 5.
  • Patch (Patch April 25, 2017Note: System revamped.
  • Patch (Patch December 8, 2015Note: Brand new accounts will now begin with six free Hero rotation slots, and four additional slots can be unlocked by reaching player levels 5, 7, 12, and 15, respectively.