Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Franchise-warcraft This is from the Warcraft universe.

My youth may be over, but my task is not.

Damage (4/10) Utility (8/10) Survivability (6/10) Complexity (8/10)

Medivh is a Ranged Specialist Hero from the Warcraft universe. He was released during the week of June 14, 2016.[1]


Under the influence of the demon lord Sargeras, Medivh opened the Dark Portal and unleashed the orcish Horde upon Azeroth. To atone for this sin, he rallied a new generation of heroes to stand against the Burning Legion during the Third War. In the Nexus, Medivh continues to lead his allies to greatness. He observes the battle from up high in Raven Form, then swoops down and uses shields and portals to turn the tide of battle. Now, he takes his place amongst the legends.

Gameplay Summary[]




Arcane Rift (Q)
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 7 seconds

Launch a rift that deals 170 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in its path. If an enemy Hero is hit, reduce its cooldown by 5 seconds and refund 50 Mana.
IconQuestTalent Quest: Hit 40 enemy Heroes with Arcane Rift without dying.
IconQuestTalent Reward: Permanently increase the damage dealt by 75 and cooldown reduction for hitting a Hero by 1 second.

Force of Will (W)
Mana: 60
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Protect an allied Hero from all damage for 1.5 seconds. Upon expiration, Force of Will heals the target 20% of the damage it absorbed.

Portal (E)
Mana: 65
Cooldown: 16 seconds

Create a set of portals between you and the target location, allowing allies to teleport between both. The portals last 6 seconds.


Raven Form (Z)

Instead of mounting, Medivh can transform into a raven, increasing Movement Speed by 20%. While transformed, Medivh can see and fly over all terrain and is immune to all effects.

Heroic Abilities[]

Poly Bomb (R)
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 75
Cooldown: 40 seconds

Polymorph an enemy Hero, suppressing their attacks and Silencing them for 2 seconds. On expiration, Poly Bomb spreads to other nearby enemy Heroes.

Ley Line Seal (R)
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 75
Cooldown: 80 seconds

After 0.5 seconds, unleash a wave of energy that imprisons enemy Heroes in Stasis for 3 seconds.


Tier 1, Hero Level 1[]

Winds of Celerity [Passive]
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Increases Raven Form's Movement Speed bonus by 50%.

Raven's Intellect [Passive]
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Raven Form increases Medivh's Mana and Health Regeneration by 75%.

Portal Mastery [Passive]
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Medivh can manually place both Portal locations and it no longer breaks Raven Form.

Activate Medivh's Trait to cancel an unlinked Portal.

Tier 2, Hero Level 4[]

Mage Armor [Passive]
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

The first time an Ally uses a Portal, they gain 30 Armor for 4 seconds, reducing their damage taken by 30%.

Raven Familiar [Passive]
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

A Raven Familiar joins allies each time they use a Portal. The Raven will dive at the ally's next Basic Attack against a Hero within 5 seconds, dealing 114 (+4% per level) damage and Slowing them by 30% for 2.5 seconds.

Dust of Appearance
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)
Cooldown: 45 seconds

Activate to greatly increase sight range for 5 seconds and reveal enemy Heroes in the area for 8 seconds. Does not cancel Raven Form.

Passive: Increase Medivh's sight range while in Raven Form by 25%.

Tier 3, Hero Level 7[]

Mystic Assault
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

If Arcane Rift hits an enemy Hero, Medivh's next Basic Attack within 6 seconds deals 40% more damage and Heals for 40% of the damage dealt.

Arcane Explosion [Passive]
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

When Force of Will expires, it deals 90 damage to nearby enemies, plus 50% of the damage it prevented, up to 350 additional damage.

Force of Magic
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Preventing at least 268 damage with a single cast of Force of Will grants 20% Spell Power for 15 seconds. This can stack up to 2 times.

Tier 4, Hero Level 10[]

Poly Bomb (R)
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 75
Cooldown: 40 seconds

Polymorph an enemy Hero, suppressing their attacks and Silencing them for 2 seconds. On expiration, Poly Bomb spreads to other nearby enemy Heroes.

Ley Line Seal (R)
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 75
Cooldown: 80 seconds

After 0.5 seconds, unleash a wave of energy that imprisons enemy Heroes in Stasis for 3 seconds.

Tier 5, Hero Level 13[]

Circle of Protection [Passive]
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Force of Will also applies to allies near the target.

Enduring Will [Passive]
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Preventing at least 268 damage with Force of Will reduces its cooldown to 3 seconds.

Reabsorption [Passive]
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Increase the amount of healing from Force of Will to 60% of the damage it absorbed.

Tier 6, Hero Level 16[]

Arcane Charge
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

When Arcane Rift damages an enemy Hero, the next Arcane Rift deals 15% more damage.

Temporal Flux [Passive]
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Basic Attacks reduce Medivh's Heroic Ability cooldown by 1 second. Each enemy Hero hit by Arcane Rift reduces Medivh's Heroic Ability cooldown by 3 seconds.

Stable Portal [Passive]
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Decrease Portal cooldown by 25% and increase Portal duration by 50%.

Tier 7, Hero Level 20[]

Glyph of Poly Bomb [Passive]
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Poly Bomb explodes 1 second sooner and the spread radius is increased by 25%.

Medivh Cheats! [Passive]
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Increase the duration of the Stasis effect by 33.333% and gain the ability to redirect the wave once while it's active.

Guardian of Tirisfal [Passive]
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Minions and Catapults hit by Arcane Rift are instantly killed.

Arcane Brilliance
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Activate to instantly restore 200 mana to all nearby allied Heroes and grant them 10% Ability Power for 10 seconds.

Dust of Disappearance
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Stealth an allied Hero for 20 seconds. 2 charges.

Talent Builds[]




No longer will Warriors have difficulty engaging with the enemy team’s back-line thanks to Dark Portal. The terrifying damage and lockdown of Arthas combined with Medivh’s Dark Portals can instantly ruin a safe Assassin’s day.

The scouting and positional information gained from Medivh’s Raven Form helps Chromie stay one step ahead of her enemies, landing skillshots with ease even while enemies hide behind walls and structures.

Lt. Moralesplate
Lt. Morales’ healing potential is practically unmatched, but as most players have quickly learned, she is pretty easy to kill if caught out. Force of Will is great at mitigating incoming burst damage, and even the most dive-happy team will have to think twice about the resources they commit to killing Lt. Morales with Medivh by her side.

Effective against[]

Medivh’s ability to save Valeera’s assassination targets via Portals and Force of Will makes the rogue’s job a lot more difficult, and Raven Form combined with Dust of Appearance can ruin some attempted ganks before they even happen.

Effective foes[]

Large area of effect damage abilities can be a major nuisance for Medivh to deal with. With the option of using Force of Will on multiple allies coming online so late (level 16), a few well-placed Blizzards from Jaina in the heat of battle will have him scrambling to figure out who to save.

The perfect Portal engage can be completely nullified if your team is unable to follow up immediately. The silence and crowd control effects of Sylvanas’ Heroic abilities are very dangerous against teams looking to make good use of portals.

Any hero that brings consistent, sustained damage will often put on more pressure than Medivh can handle. With Valla’s constant barrage of abilities and auto-attacks, Medivh will struggle to keep his team – and himself - alive.


The Last Guardian (base)
Medivh - The Last Guardian Medivh - Fire Medivh - Nature Medivh - Arcane
The Last Guardian Fire Nature Arcane IconShard 100
Medivh - The Last Guardian - Dark
Dark IconShard 150
Magus IconShard 100
For ages, Atiesh has been passed down from one Guardian of Tirisfal to the next. With the power of the Nexus, Medivh has attuned himself to the staff like none before him.
Medivh - Magus Medivh - Magus the White Medivh - Magus the Black Medivh - Magus - The Green
Maguc The White The Black The Green IconShard 150
Knight Owl IconShard 400
The Prophets of Kharazania forsaw the Eternal Empire's invasion, but their warning came too late. Medivh, the last Knight Owl, has sworn to prevent the Earth from suffering a similar fate.
This skin is related to the "Super-Hero" Earth themed-skins. Features themed abilities.
Medivh - Knight Owl Medivh - Knight Owl - Citrine Medivh - Knight Owl - Amethyst Medivh - Knight Owl - Emerald
White Citrine Amethyst Emerald

Patch changes[]

  • Patch (Patch March 6, 2018Note: Health scaling increased from 4% to 4.5% per level; Health Regeneration scaling increased from 4% to 4.5% per level.; Dark Medivh skin added.
  • Patch (Patch September 5, 2017Note: Magus Medivh the Green skin added.
  • Patch (Patch April 20, 2017Note: Fixed an issue that could cause Medivh to become unresponsive when entering vehicles. (Dragon Knight, Garden Terror, etc.)
  • Patch (Patch March 14, 2017Note: Will now play his Ready voiceover when locked in during draft selection.
  • Patch (Patch November 15, 2016Note: Fixed an issue which could allow Medivh to path into the terrain after launching a Nuke on Warhead Junction while in Raven form.
  • Patch (Patch August 9, 2016Note: AI Medivh will no longer attempt to gank an enemy Hero who is in the opposing Hall of Storms.
  • Patch (Patch June 29, 2016Note: Basic Attack damage increased from 65 to 80; Attacks per second increased from 1.0 to 1.11.
  • Patch (Patch June 14, 2016Note: Added.


  1. 2016-05-20, IN DEVELOPMENT: CHROMIE, MEDIVH, AND MORE!. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2016-06-04