Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Franchise-warcraft This is from the Warcraft universe.

Damage (5/10) Utility (3/10) Survivability (7/10) Complexity (3/10)

Mal'Ganis is a Warrior from the Warcraft universe.


Cunning and intelligent, Mal'Ganis was chosen to bring Arthas Menthil into the Lich King's service. After manipulating the prince into purging Stratholme of life, he finally fell to Frostmourne as Arthas's first act as the Lich King's champion... yet a demon does not die so easily.

Gameplay Summary[]



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Icon Fel Claws
Fel Claws (Q)
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Violently slash in the chosen direction, dealing 72 (+4% per level) damage to enemies.

Reactivate to slash up to 2 more times. The third slash Stuns enemies for 0.75 seconds.

Icon Necrotic Embrace
Necrotic Embrace (W)
Mana: 30
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Desecrate the air, dealing 110 (+4% per level) damage to nearby enemies and gaining 25 Armor for 3 seconds.

Icon Night Rush
Night Rush (E)
Mana: 70
Cooldown: 13 seconds

After 0.75 seconds, gain 50% Movement Speed for 2 seconds. While active, Mal'Ganis can move through enemy Heroes and put them to Sleep for 2.5 seconds.


Icon Vampiric Aura
Vampiric Touch

Mal'Ganis heals for 45% of damage dealt to enemy Heroes and 15% of damage dealt to non-Heroes.

Heroic Abilities[]

Icon Carrion Swarm
Carrion Swarm (R)
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 80
Cooldown: 70 seconds

After 1 second, disperse into an Invulnerable swarm of bats for 3 seconds, dealing 132 (+4% per level) damage per second to enemies. Vampiric Touch heals for 100% of Carrion Swarm's damage to Heroes.

Icon Dark Conversion
Dark Conversion (R)
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 80
Cooldown: 70 seconds

Channel on an enemy Hero for 0.75 seconds, then swap Health percentages with the target over 3 seconds.


Tier 1, Hero Level 1[]

Icon Necrotic Embrace
Winged Guard
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Each time Necrotic Embrace hits an enemy Hero, gain 50 Physical Armor against the next enemy Hero Basic Attack.

If Winged Guard has no charges, Mal'Ganis will gain 1 charge after 6 seconds.

Icon Vampiric Aura
Vampiric Aura
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Mal'Ganis and nearby allied Heroes heal for 10% of Physical Damage dealt.

Icon Time to Feed
Time to Feed
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Mal'Ganis heals for 48 (+4% per level) when damaging a nearby enemy Hero. This can occur once every 6 seconds against each enemy Hero.

Tier 2, Hero Level 4[]

Icon Necrotic Embrace
Fueled by Torment
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

While Necrotic Embrace is active, Mal'Ganis heals for 12 when damage is taken and Vampiric Touch converts 15% more Hero damage into healing.

Icon Might of Sargeras
Might of Sargeras
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Necrotic Embrace's Armor is increased to 50, but the duration is reduced to 2 seconds.

Icon Echo of Doom
Echo of Doom
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

When Necrotic Embrace expires, it explodes again for 50 damage. If an enemy Hero is hit, Mal'Ganis retains 25 Armor for 1 more second.

Does not wake Sleeping targets.

Tier 3, Hero Level 7[]

Icon Fel Claws
Black Claws
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

After Mal'Ganis hits an enemy Hero with Fel Claws, his next Basic Attack deals 45% more damage.

Icon Will of Tichondrius
Will of Tichondrius
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

The third slash of Fel Claws steals 4% of maximum Health from enemy Heroes.

Icon Night Rush
Spreading Plague
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

After Night Rush expires, deal 30 damage per second to nearby enemies for 4 seconds. Basic Attacks against Heroes refresh this.

Does not wake Sleeping targets.

Icon Nightmare Fuel
Nightmare Fuel
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Basic Attacks deal 30% more damage while in a bush and for 4 seconds after leaving. They also deal 125% more damage to Sleeping targets.

Tier 4, Hero Level 10[]

Icon Carrion Swarm
Carrion Swarm (R)
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 80
Cooldown: 70 seconds

After 1 second, disperse into an Invulnerable swarm of bats for 3 seconds, dealing 132 (+4% per level) damage per second to enemies. Vampiric Touch heals for 100% of Carrion Swarm's damage to Heroes.

Icon Dark Conversion
Dark Conversion (R)
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 80
Cooldown: 70 seconds

Channel on an enemy Hero for 0.75 seconds, then swap Health percentages with the target over 3 seconds.

Tier 5, Hero Level 13[]

Icon Night Rush
Deep Sleep
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Increase Night Rush's Sleep duration by 0.75 seconds and its Movement Speed bonus by 10%.

Icon The Night Beckons
The Night Beckons
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

After Night Rush's Sleep ends, targets are Slowed by 30% for 2.5 seconds.

Icon Vampiric Aura
Blood Rush
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

When Mal'Ganis is healed by a Hero, he gains 1% Movement Speed for 8 seconds, up to 15%.

Tier 6, Hero Level 16[]

Icon Necrotic Embrace
Plague Bats
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Necrotic Embrace unleashes a wave of bats in front of Mal'Ganis, dealing 85 damage.

Icon Vampiric Aura
Frenzied Assault
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Basic Attacks against Heroes with a higher Health percentage grant 40% Attack Speed and 10% increased Physical Damage for 3% seconds.

Icon Blind as a Bat
Blind as a Bat
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)
Cooldown: 80 seconds

Activate to erupt with blind rage, removing the cooldown and Mana cost of Fel Claws, but losing all vision. Lasts 6 seconds.

Tier 7, Hero Level 20[]

Icon Carrion Swarm
Seeker Swarm
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Upon expiring, Carrion Swarm's bats seek nearby enemy Heroes, dealing 132 damage and Sleeping them for 2.5 seconds.

Icon Dark Conversion
Wrath of Nathreza
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Enemy Heroes near the target suffer 75% of the transferred Health as damage over 3 seconds.

Does not benefit from Vampiric Touch.

Icon Fel Claws
Vanquish the Weak
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Damage from Fel Claws and Basic Attacks Slows enemy by 15% for 1.5 seconds, and Vampiric Touch converts 10% more damage into healing versus Slowed Heroes.

Icon Night Rush
Alone in the Dark
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Enemy Heroes put to Sleep by Night Rush have their vision greatly reduced during the Sleep and for 2 seconds after.


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Talent Builds[]

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Effective foes[]



Nathrezim Lord (base)
Mal'Ganis - Nathrezim Lord Mal'Ganis - Nathrezim Lord - Darkener Mal'Ganis - Nathrezim Lord - Infernal Mal'Ganis - Nathrezim Lord - Northrend Mal'Ganis - Nathrezim Lord - Undercity
Nathrezim Lord Darkener Infernal Northrend Undercity
The Dreadmachine armor provides industrialist Malcom Ganis with incredible strength and a staggering ordinance. Sure, it may draw power from an alien's heart, but only minor hallucinations have occurred... so far.
Mal'Ganis - Dreadmachine - Master Mal'Ganis - Dreadmachine - Neocarbon Mal'Ganis - Dreadmachine - Pilot Hawk
Master Neocarbon Pilot Hawk


Patch changes[]

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