- ... And a Shark Too!
- 2015 Champion's Nexagon
- 2016 Championship Banner
- 2016 Fall Champion's Mount
- 2016 Spring Champion's Mount
- 2016 Summer Finals Nexagon
- 2017 Championship Banner
- 64 KB Marathon
- ARK Reaktor
- A Card to Play
- A Fishy Deal
- A Touch of Honey
- Abathur
- Abathur/Gallery
- Abathur quotations
- Abattoir
- Abhorred Skull
- Ablative Armor
- Abolish Magic
- Absolute Zero
- Abundance
- Abyssal Symbiosis
- Accelerando
- Accelerated Decay
- Accumulating Flame
- Achievement Portraits
- Acid Drenched Mandibles
- Activated Rush
- Adanium Shell
- Adaptation
- Adaptation (Dehaka)
- Adhesive Petroleum
- Adjutant
- Adrenal Overload
- Adrenaline Boost
- Adrenaline Rush
- Adrenaline Rush (Valeera)
- Adrenaline Stimpack
- Adun's Wisdom
- Advanced Artillery
- Advanced Cloaking
- Advanced Lava Strike
- Advanced Optics
- Advanced Targeting
- Advancing Strikes
- Aerie Gusts
- Aether Walker
- Afterburner
- Aftershock
- Aggra
- Aggression Matrix
- Aggressive Defense
- Aggressive Matrix
- Aggressive Shredding
- Agile Dismount
- Aidan
- Aim Down Sights
- Air Ally
- Air Strike
- Al'Diabolos Hot Chilli Sauce
- Alan Dabiri
- Alarak
- Alarak/Gallery
- Alarak quotations
- Alex Klontzas
- Alex Neyman
- Alexstrasza
- Alexstrasza/Gallery
- Alexstrasza quotations
- Alexstraza's Scale
- All Shall Burn
- Allegrissimo
- Alone in the Dark
- Alpha Killer
- Alpha Wolf
- Amani Rage
- Amani Resilience
- Amani War Bear
- Amateur Opponent
- Ambush
- Ambush (Valeera)
- Ambush Snipe
- Amp It Up
- Amplified Healing
- Amplify Damage
- Ana
- Ana/Gallery
- Ana quotations
- Ancestral Healing
- Ancestral Strength
- Ancestral Wrath
- Ancient Blessings
- Ancient Flame
- Ancient Spear
- Andariel's Visage
- Andorhal Anomaly
- Andrew Kinabrew
- Angel's Grace
- Angel of Death
- Angel of Justice
- Angelic Absorption
- Angelic Flash
- Angelic Flight
- Angelic Might
- Angelic Momentum
- Anger
- Anger Management
- Animal Husbandry
- Animosity
- Annihilate
- Annihilating Spirit
- Announcer
- Another Round
- Anti-Armor Shells
- Anti-Magic Shell
- Anti-magic Powder
- Antiverse
- Anub'arak
- Anub'arak/Gallery
- Anub'arak quotations
- Apex Predator
- Apocalypse
- Apollo Suit
- Applied Force
- Arathi Basin
- Arcane Barrage
- Arcane Barrier
- Arcane Brilliance
- Arcane Charge
- Arcane Dynamo
- Arcane Echoes
- Arcane Explosion
- Arcane Flare
- Arcane Intellect
- Arcane Orb
- Arcane Orbit
- Arcane Power
- Arcane Precision
- Arcane Rift
- Arcanite Axes
- Archangel's Wrath
- Archon
- Archon: Pure Power
- Ardent Restoration
- Arena Mode
- Armor
- Armor Piercing Rounds
- Armor Up
- Armor of Faith
- Armor of the Archlich
- Armored Assault
- Armored War Steed
- Army Of The Dead
- Army of Hell
- Arreat Crater
- Arsenal
- Arsenal Overcharge
- Arsenal Synergy
- Artanis
- Artanis/Gallery
- Artanis quotations
- Arthas
- Arthas/Gallery
- Arthas quotations
- Artifact
- Artillery
- Ashenvale
- Aspect of the Beast
- Aspect of the Hawk
- Assassin
- Assassin's Blade
- Assassinate
- Assault Scarab
- Assault Strain
- Assault on Volskaya Foundry
- Assimilation
- Assimilation Mastery
- Astral Communion
- Astral Presence
- Astral Projection
- Augmented Guard
- Auriel
- Auriel/Gallery
- Auriel quotations
- Auto-turret
- Automated Block
- Auxiliary Shields
- Avatar
- Avoidance
- Awards system
- AzmoDUNK
- Azmodan
- Azmodan/Gallery
- Azmodan quotations
- Azshara
- B'Motes
- BOOMerang
- Baal
- Back in the Mix
- Backbiter
- Backdraft
- Backlash
- Baleog the Fierce
- Ball Lightning
- Ballistic Advantage
- Ballistospores
- Baneling Barrage
- Baneling Massacre
- Bang! Heroes of the Storm
- Banner
- Banner of Dalaran
- Banner of Ironforge
- Banner of Stormwind
- Barbed Chains
- Barbed Shot
- Barkskin
- Barracks
- Barrel Roll
- Barricade
- Bash 'Em Smash 'Em Robots
- Basic attack
- Battered Assault
- Battle Beast
- Battle Momentum
- Battle Rage
- Battle Raptor
- Battleborn
- Battlefield of Eternity
- Battleground
- Beacon of Light
- Bear Necessities
- Beat Mixing
- Bed of Barbs
- Beetle, Juiced
- Beleth
- Beleth quotations
- Belial
- Benediction
- Berserk
- Berserker
- Bestial Wrath
- Bestow Hope
- Betrayer's Thirst
- Big As
- Big Head Mode
- Big Red Button
- Big Shot
- Big Tuna Kahuna
- Big Voodoo
- Bile Drop
- Billie the Kid
- Bio-Explosion Switch
- Bio-Kill Switch
- Bioshield
- Biotic Armor
- Biotic Grenade
- Bird's Eye View
- Bird of Prey
- Biting Cold
- Black Arrows
- Black Claws
- Black Harvest
- Black Lagoon
- Black Pool
- Black Soulstone
- Blackheart
- Blackheart's Bay
- Blackheart's Doubloon
- Blackheart's Revenge
- Blackthorne
- Blackthorne (franchise)
- Blade Dance
- Blade Dash
- Blade Flurry
- Blade Torrent
- Blade of the Highlord
- Bladed Armor
- Bladed Momentum
- Blademaster's Pursuit
- Blades of Azzinoth
- Bladestorm
- Blast Echo
- Blast Shield
- Blast Wave
- Blaze
- Blaze/Gallery
- Blaze quotations
- Blazing Bulwark
- Blazing Demons
- Blazing Fists
- Blessed Champion
- Blessed Hammer
- Blessed Momentum
- Blessed Shield
- Blessing of the Red
- Blessings of Yu'lon
- Blighted Frost
- Blind
- Blind as a Bat
- Blinded by the Light
- Blinding Flash
- Blinding Light
- Blinding Speed
- Blinding Wind
- Blink
- Blink (Tracer)
- Blink Heal
- Blistering Attacks
- BlizzCon 2014
- BlizzCon 2015
- BlizzCon 2016
- BlizzCon 2017
- BlizzCon 2018
- Blizzard
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Block
- Block Party
- Blood Frenzy
- Blood Ritual
- Blood Rush
- Blood and Thunder
- Blood for Blood
- Blood of the Rhino
- Bloodcraze
- Bloodlust
- Bloodlust Brawl
- Bloodthirst
- Blossom Swell
- Blunt Force Gun
- Bob and Weave
- Body Check
- Bogged Down
- Bold Amethyst
- Bolder Flavor
- Bolt of the Storm
- Bomb's Away
- Bombard Strain
- Bond of Anguish
- Bonds of Corruption
- Bonds of Justice
- Bone Armor
- Bone Prison
- Bone Spear
- Boneslicer