“ | Let's drop the beat!
” |
Lúcio is a Ranged Support Hero from the Overwatch universe.
From the streets of Rio to the clubs on King’s Row, Lúcio’s beats bring the party to life, and drive the people to action. Now he’s on tour in the Nexus, ready to break it down, and to continue fighting for what’s right.
Lúcio is a highly mobile Support who constantly heals or grants Movement Speed to all allies around him.
Lúcio's close-knit community was thrown into chaos when the multinational Vishkar Corporation secured a contract to redevelop large tracts of the city. Lúcio and his neighbors had been told that the development would improve their lives. However, that promise never became a reality. Vishkar imposed controls on the residents in the name of building a more orderly society: enforcing curfews, cracking down on what the company perceived as lawless behavior, and exploiting the populace as a cheap labor force.
Lúcio wouldn't stand for it. He stole Vishkar sonic technology that had been used to suppress the people, and he converted it into a tool to rally them to action.
Gameplay Summary[]
Lúcio is a very mobile Support with high utility, capable of enabling allies and providing constant and passive healing or movement through Crossfade.
Overall, Lúcio fits in most team compositions, and has enough flexibility in combat to allow allies to engage or disengage when needed. He works greatly as either a solo or secondary Support.
- Highest mobility of all Supports thanks to Wallride.
- Very mana efficient.
- Outstanding on duo lane maps.
- Can use Basic Attacks while moving.
- Excelent at kiting.
- Decent at all phases of the game, but becomes extremely strong at level 16.
- Soundwave allows Lúcio to provide frequent peel for allies, as well put opponents out of position.
- Crossfade is a highly versatile ability that allows Lúcio to either granting bonus movement speed to allies, or provide an area of effect sustained healing.
- Amp It Up is a powerful cooldown that empowers Crossfade.
- Sound Barrier is one of the strongest defensive cooldowns in the game, allowing Lúcio to greatly mitigate damage that otherwise would be lethal.
- Reverse Amp is great to take down priority targets.
- Poor damage and little to non-existing waveclear.
- Because of this, he is incapable of solo laning.
- Low health.
- Very susceptible to stuns and other forms of hard lockdowns.
- Features no forms of hard crowd control.
- Requires high map awareness.
- Sound Barrier can be easily interrupted if Lúcio is poorly positioned.

Mana: 30
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Deal 105 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in a cone-shaped area and knock them back.

Play one of two tracks that passively provide allied Heroes with either a Speed Boost or a Healing Boost in a large radius around you. Activate Crossfade to swap tracks.
Healing Boost: Restore 2 (+4% per level) Health every second to Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes.
Speed Boost: Increase the Movement Speed of Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes by 15%.

When moving alongside impassable battleground terrain and Structures, Lúcio can walk through other units, and his Movement Speed is increased by 20%.
This works together with other Movement Speed bonuses.
Heroic Abilities[]

Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 100
Cooldown: 80 seconds
After 1 second, Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes gain a 1296 (+4% per level) point shield that rapidly decays over 6 seconds.

Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 55
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Blast Lúcio's Crossfade at enemy Heroes for 4 seconds, causing Healing Boost to inflict 13 (+4% per level) damage per second, and Speed Boost to slow for 45%.
Passive: Increase Amp It Up's duration to 4 seconds.
Tier 1, Hero Level 1[]

Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)
Increase the base movement speed bonus of Crossfade's Speed Boost to 20%.

Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)
Quest: Kill 5 enemy Heroes while Crossfade's Speed Boost is active.
Reward: Permanently increase the Amp It Up bonus for Crossfade's Speed Boost to 60%.

Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)
Wall Ride's Movement Speed bonus gradually increases over 4 seconds while Lúcio maintains its effect.

Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)
Passing through or near an enemy Hero during Wall Ride's effect increases its Movement Speed bonus to 70% for 1 second.
Tier 2, Hero Level 4[]

Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)
Enemies within the first half of Soundwave's range are knocked back 50% farther.

Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)
If Soundwave is cast while having Wall Ride's speed bonus, the cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds.

Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)
Quest: Hit 20 enemy Heroes with Soundwave.
Reward: Increase Soundwave's arc by 50% and its range by 20%.
Tier 3, Hero Level 7[]

Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)
Quest: Play Lúcio's Crossfade tracks to nearby Allies for a total of 8 minutes. Multiple allies provide additional time.
Reward: Permanently increase Crossfade's range by 20%.

Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)
If at least 2 Allied Heroes are nearby when Amp It Up is cast, Crossfade's radius is increased by 50% for the duration.
Tier 4, Hero Level 10[]

Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 100
Cooldown: 80 seconds
After 1 second, Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes gain a 1296 (+4% per level) point shield that rapidly decays over 6 seconds.

Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 55
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Blast Lúcio's Crossfade at enemy Heroes for 4 seconds, causing Healing Boost to inflict 13 (+4% per level) damage per second, and Speed Boost to slow for 45%.
Passive: Increase Amp It Up's duration to 4 seconds.
Tier 5, Hero Level 13[]

Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)
After switching Crossfade tracks, if the next song plays for at least 1.5 seconds, Lúcio gains a 100 (+4% per level) point Shield that lasts indefinitely.
Switching tracks again removes the Shield.

Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)
While Wall Riding's Movement Speed bonus is active, Lúcio is immune to all enemy Stun and Root effects.

Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)
Gain 25 Armor while Wall Riding's Movement Speed bonus is active, reducing damage taken by 25%.

Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)
Heal 245 (+4% per level) upon entering a Stun, Silence, or Time Stop effect. This cannot happen more than once every 10 seconds.
Tier 6, Hero Level 16[]

Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)
While Amp It Up is active Crossfade's Healing Boost heals for an additional 2.5% of the target's maximum health each second.

Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)
If at least 2 Allied Heroes are nearby when Amp It Up is cast, Crossfade's Healing Boost is increased by 45% for the duration.

Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)
Amp It Up's mana cost is reduced to 80, and dealing Basic Attack damage to enemy Heroes also reduces the cooldown of Amp It Up by 0.45 seconds.
Tier 7, Hero Level 20[]

Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)
Reduce the cooldown of Sound Barrier to 30 seconds, but the shield now decays over 4 seconds.

Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)
While Reverse Amp is affecting at least 2 enemy Heroes, its duration lasts indefinitely.

Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)
The initial cast of Amp It Up removes all Stun, Slow, and Root effects from Allies, and all Slow ad Root effects on Lúcio.
Talent Builds[]
- Standard Build: focused on improving every aspect of Lúcio's kit. One of the key talents are Rejuvenescência at level 16, which provides Lúcio with a massive powerspike, greatly increasing his healing. The other Bonus Track, which allows Lúcio to use both versions of Amp It Up with one Crossfade at their maximum duration.
- If the enemy team doesn't feature many burst-heavy Assassins or other dangerous threats, Sound Barrier can be replaced by Reverse Amp, increasing the engaging power of Lúcio and his team.
Effective against[]
Effective foes[]
- Freedom Fighting DJ (base)
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Freedom Fighting DJ | Auditiva | Showtime | Vermelho ![]() |
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Ribbit | Chrome | Hippityhop | Prime ![]() |
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Rosa ![]() |
- Soundblast
- Vishkar's sonic technology was a good starting point, but the pursuit of perfection demands keeping up to date with the latest in audio equipment.
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Soundblast | Crimson | Amber | Azure ![]() |
Patch changes[]
(Patch March 6, 2018) Note: Vermelho skin added.
(Patch December 12, 2017) Note: Outlines will now display on terrain when playing Junkrat or Lúcio. This should allow for a more accurate view of what can be used for Frag Launcher bounces and Wall Rides.; Azure Soundblast Lúcio added.
(Patch November 29, 2017) Note: Base Maximum Health reduced from 1518 to 1442; Health Regen reduced from 3.16 to 3; Basic Attack Damage reduced from 24 to 23.
(Patch September 26, 2017) Note: Prime Ribbit Lúcio, Rosa Ribbit Lúcio skins added.
(Patch August 23, 2017) Note: Base Maximum Health increased from 1380 to 1518; Health Regen increased from 2.86 to 3.16.
(Patch March 14, 2017) Note: Base Maximum Health decreased from 1450 to 1380; Base Health Regen decreased from 3.02 to 2.88.
(Patch February 14, 2017) Note: Added.; Basic Attack damage increased from 23 to 24.