Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Franchise-warcraft This is from the Warcraft universe.

Selama Ashal'anore! (Justice for our kind!)

Damage (9/10) Utility (5/10) Survivability (4/10) Complexity (7/10)

Kael'thas is a Ranged Assassin Hero from the Warcraft universe.

Like all Blood Elves, Prince Kael'thas was transformed by the fall of Quel'thalas. Desperate to save his people from being consumed by their magical addiction, he joined forces with the Burning Legion and now lords over Tempest Keep.


Kael'thas Sunstrider was a senior member of the Kirin Tor and the Prince of Quel'Thalas, the last of the Sunstrider dynasty. After the fall of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas led what remained of his people in the service of the Alliance. Striving to placate his people's addiction to magic, he later covertly allied with Illidan Stormrage, the Naga and the Burning Legion. He was branded a traitor after his allegiance with the Legion was revealed. Kael'thas plotted to summon Kil'jaeden through the Sunwell, but his plans were foiled by the Shattered Sun Offensive. He was defeated by their forces in Magisters' Terrace.

Gameplay Summary[]




Flamestrike (Q) [Area of Effect]
Mana: 70
Cooldown: 7 seconds

After a short delay, deal 320 (+4% per level) damage in an area. Verdant Spheres increases the radius by 50%.

Living Bomb (W)
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Deal 40 (+4% per level) damage over 3 seconds to an enemy, then they explode dealing 200 (+4% per level) damage to all nearby enemies, spreading Living Bomb to all nearby enemy Heroes not already affected by it. Verdant Spheres makes this Ability cost no Mana and have no cooldown.

Gravity Lapse (E) [Skillshot]
Mana: 90
Cooldown: 14 seconds

Stun the first enemy hit for 1 causes Gravity Lapse to stun the first 3 enemies hit and increases the stun duration by 50%.


Verdant Spheres (D)
Cooldown: 6 seconds

Activate to make your next Basic Ability more powerful.

Heroic Abilities[]

Phoenix [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 80
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Launch a Phoenix to an area, dealing 81.12 (+4% per level) damage to enemies along the way. The Phoenix persists for 7 seconds, attacking enemies for 81.12 (+4% per level) damage and splashing for 50%.

Pyroblast [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 80
Cooldown: 100 seconds

After 1.5 seconds, cast a slow-moving fireball that deals 810 (+5% per level) damage to an enemy Hero and 182.5 (+32.5 per level) damage to enemies nearby.


Tier 1, Hero Level 1[]

Mana Addict
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)
Cooldown: 45 seconds

Upon gathering 25 Regeneration Globes, Kael'thas gains the Arcane Barrier Ability. Activate Arcane Barrier to receive a Shield equal to 100% of Kael'thas' maximum Mana for 4 seconds.

Fel Infusion
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Increases your Ability Power by 4%. Heal for 97.76 (+4% per level) Health when you activate Verdant Spheres.

Convection [Quest Talent]
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

IconQuestTalent Quest: Every time Flamestrike damages an enemy Hero increase its damage by 5, up to 100. Lose all damage bonuses if you die.
IconQuestTalent Reward: After gaining 100 Flamestrike damage, increase Flamestrike damage by an additional 100 and no longer lose any bonuses if you die.

Tier 2, Hero Level 4[]

Mana Tap
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Activating Verdant Spheres restores 4% of maximum Mana.

Nether Wind
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Increases Gravity Lapse range by 30%. Refunds 80 mana when an enemy Hero is hit by Gravity Lapse.

Energy Roil
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Reduce the Mana cost of Gravity Lapse by 70. If Gravity Lapse hits a Hero, reduce its cooldown by 9 seconds.

Tier 3, Hero Level 7[]

Sunfire Enchantment
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Activating Verdant Spheres causes Kael'thas's next 2 Basic Attacks to instead deal 115 (+4% per level) Spell Damage. If both of these Attacks hit enemy Heroes, gain 15% Spell Power for 10 seconds.

Sun King's Fury
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Living Bombs that spread to enemy Heroes deal 35% more damage.

Burned Flesh
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Hitting more than one Hero with Flamestrike causes each to take damage equal to 8% of their maximum Health.

Tier 4, Hero Level 10[]

Phoenix [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 80
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Launch a Phoenix to an area, dealing 81.12 (+4% per level) damage to enemies along the way. The Phoenix persists for 7 seconds, attacking enemies for 81.12 (+4% per level) damage and splashing for 50%.

Pyroblast [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 80
Cooldown: 100 seconds

After 1.5 seconds, cast a slow-moving fireball that deals 810 (+5% per level) damage to an enemy Hero and 182.5 (+32.5 per level) damage to enemies nearby.

Tier 5, Hero Level 13[]

Fission Bomb
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Increases Living Bomb's explosion radius by 20%.

Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Living Bomb's explosion slows enemies Movement Speed by 30% for 2 seconds.

Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Every tick of Living Bomb's damage over time effect reduces Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.5 seconds.

Tier 6, Hero Level 16[]

Fury of the Sunwell
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Flamestrike will cast again in the same location 0.5 seconds later.

Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Flamestrikes apply Living Bomb to the enemy Hero closest to its center who is not currently affected by Living Bomb.

Twin Spheres
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Verdant Spheres gains an additional charge.

Tier 7, Hero Level 20[]

Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Increases Phoenix duration by 100%. You may order the Phoenix to move to a different location once while the Phoenix is alive.

Presence Of Mind
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Increases Pyroblast's explosion radius by 50%. Heroes that are hit by Flamestrike or have Living Bomb spread to them reduce the cooldown of Pyroblast by 10 seconds.

Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Increases the cast range of Flamestrike by 40%. If you hit 2 or more Heroes, Flamestrike's cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.

Master of Flames
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Living Bomb can now spread indefinitely between enemy Heroes.

Talent Builds[]




Similarly to Jaina, Kael'thas’ high burst damage, area damage and crowd control greatly aids Genji on taking down individual targets very quickly, allowing him to proc the cooldown reset of Swift Strike. His Pyroblast is potentially useful, as it forces players on fleeing and getting away from the rest of the team, allowing Genji to chase and execute them.

Kael'thas's Gravity Lapse can be combo'ed with Malfurion's Entangling Roots for a massive crowd control chain. Of all the "mage" characters, Kael'thas burns his mana the quickiest, where Innervate again plays a major role.

Similarly to Li-Ming, Kael'thas high spike damage allows him to make the best of Hunter's Mark, but his Gravity Lapse opens opportunities for effective crowd control chains with Lunar Flare.

Effective against[]

Li Liplate
In a similar fashion to Chromie, Kael'thas burst damage and area damage makes very hard for Li Li to keep up. His Living Bomb is especially dangerous when spreading to more than one target, preventing Li Li from healing the right target.

Nothing makes Samuro tremble more than this fire mage. Between large swaths of area of effect damage in Flamestrike and Samuro’s clones giving more targets to spread his dreaded Chain Bomb, Samuro will have to be very careful on how he engages and reacts to Kael'thas.

Effective foes[]


The Sun King
KaelRed KaelGray KaelSilver Kael'thas - Forest
The Sun King Ivory Silver Forest IconShard 100
StormPunk IconShard 100
On some worlds, technology and magic are not so different. Those who master both, like Lord Kael'thas, can create both wonders and terrors beyond your imagination.
KaelStormRed KaelStormGray KaelStormBlack Kael'thas - StormPunk - Gold
StormPunk Azure Crimson Gold
Stormbot IconShard 100
Originally constructed to be a magician's assistant, Kael'thas's preprogrammed aptitude for sorcery soon catapulted him past the expertise of his own creators.
Features altered voice-over.
Kael'thas - Stormbot Kael'thas - Stormbot - Cobalt
Stormbot Cobalt
Sovereign IconShard 100
Only the finest of robes and armor may adorn the Sun King. His majesty and brilliance must shine forth like the sun itself.
KaelMasterRed KaelMasterGray KaelMasterSilver
Sovereign Fel Sun
Cyberhawk IconShard 400
Sunstrider Industries CEO Mikael Thoss uses his company's vast wealth and cutting edge technology to protect the innocent as Cyberhawk, the Avian Avenger!
This skin is related to the "Super-Hero" Earth themed-skins. Features themed abilities
Kael'thas - Cyberhawk Kael'thas - Cyberhawk - Sapphire Kael'thas - Cyberhawk - Cyborhawk Kael'thas - Cyberhawk - Spectre
Cyberhawk Sapphire Cyborghawk Spectre
Lunar IconShard 600
A prince of the sin'dorei, Kael'thas presides over all Lunar Festival ceremonies throughout Silvermoon City. It is imperative that his finery match his station.
Kael'thas - Lunar Kael'thas - Lunar - Havenly Kael'thas - Lunar - Jade
Lunar Heavenly Jade


Kael'thas was under consideration for inclusion as early as 2011.[1]


  • The "Cyberhawk" skin appears to be a sattire of both Batman and Iron Man.
    • The "Cyborghawk" variant references Genji due its color scheme.

Patch changes[]

  • Patch (Patch February 6, 2018Note: Lunar skins added.
  • Patch (Patch July 12, 2016Note: Kael’thas’ prices have been reduced to $8.49 USD and 7,000 Gold.
  • Patch (Patch April 12, 2016Note: Health increased from 1465 to 1520.; Health Regeneration increased from approximately 3.05 to 3.17 Health per second.
  • Patch (Patch March 29, 2016Note: Received updated visual effects for Abilities and Talents that have been reworked.
  • Patch (Patch February 10, 2016Note: Basic Attack damage reduced from 87 (+4% per level) to 65 (+4% per level).


External links[]
