Heroes of the Storm Wiki

1Health is how much damage something can sustain before being destroyed or killed.


Heroes have a base health at level 1, and gain bonus health each time they level up. Most heroes gain +4% bonus health and health regeneration each level, but some heroes such as Raynor have different percentages.

Hero Base Health Level 20
Abathur 685 1501
Alarak 1900 4163
Alexstrasza 1698 3721
Ana 1598 3501
Anub'arak 2100 4601
Artanis 2470 5412
Arthas 2650 5806
Auriel 1700 3725
Azmodan 2738 5999
Blaze 2775 6080
Brightwing 1450 3177
Cassia 1840 4032
Chen 2473 5419
Cho'gall 2950 7115
Chromie 1323 2899
D.Va (Mech) 2000 4382
D.Va 1109 2430
Deckard Cain 1598 3501
Dehaka 2434 5333
Diablo 2670 5850
E.T.C. 2180 4777
Falstad 1365 2991
Fenix* 1140 (760) 2498 (1665)
Garrosh 2060 4514
Gazlowe 1826 4001
Genji 1620 3550
Greymane 1876 4524
Gul'dan 1700 3725
Hanzo 1323 2899
Illidan 1650 3615
Jaina 1365 2991
Johanna 2700 5916
Junkrat 1350 2958
Li Li 1475 3232
Li-Ming 1232 2699
Lt. Morales 1472 3225
Lúcio 1442 3160
Lunara 1430 3133
Maiev 2021 4428
Malfurion 1525 3341
Malthael 1962 4299
Medivh 1470 3545
Muradin 2765 6058
Murky 730 1600
Nazeebo 1502 3291
Nova 1300 2848
Probius 1260 2761
Ragnaros 2000 4382
Raynor 1450 5115
Rehgar 2049 4490
Rexxar 1725 3780
Misha♀︎ 1762 3826
Samuro 1725 3780
Sgt. Hammer 1720 3769
Sonya 2341 5129
Stitches 3000 6573
Stukov 1682 3685
Sylvanas 1425 3122
Tassadar 1287 2820
The Butcher 2154 5195
Baleog 1095 2399
Erik 767 1681
Olaf 1424 3120
Thrall 1876 4111
Tracer 1280 2805
Tychus 1925 4218
Tyrael 2468 5408
Tyrande 1511 3311
Uther 2156 4724
Valeera 2047 4485
Valla 1273 2783
Varian♂︎ (Taunt) 2116 6027
Varian (Colossus) 2116 4173
Varian (Twin Blades) 2116 4636
Xul 2000 4382
Yrel 2678 5868
Zagara 1575 3451
Zarya 2292 5022
Zeratul 1622 3554
Zul'jin 1875 4108

-Cho'gall is two heroes, but Gall has the same health pool as Cho.

*-Fenix also has a base regenerating shield, shown next to the health.

♀︎-Misha is an addition attached to the hero Rexxar.

♂︎-Varian at level 4 has many abilities that affect his health, so all are listed.


All heroes regenerate health at a rate of about 0.21% per second (8 minutes to go from zero to full health). One exception exists: Murky regenerates health at a rate of 4% per second (25 seconds to go from zero to full health).

Heroes may activate a Healing Fountain, which will heal 40% of a heroes maximum health over 20 seconds.

Heroes may also pick up regeneration globes that are dropped when minions die. These restore 12% of maximum Health over 5 seconds.


Minions have a base health at the start of the game, and spawn with increased health every minute until the 30-minute mark:

Minion Base
Melee 700 +30 1600
Ranged 400 +20 1000
Wizard 300 +15 750
Siege 900 +30 1800


Mercenary Base Level 20
Siege Giant 1800 3200
Bruiser Knight 3300 4630
Bruiser Sorcerer 1500 2670


Beginning from the middle of the map and moving toward , the first outpost is a Fort, accompanied by two towers, a healing fountain, a gate, and two walls. The next outpost is a Keep, the finally a Core.

Structure Health
Core* 14,000
Keep 13,000
Keep Gate 5,000
Keep Tower 4,300
Keep Fountain 2,000
Keep Wall 1,900
Fort 9,000
Fort Gate 3,700
Fort Tower 3,000
Fort Fountain 1,750
Fort Wall 1,350
  • The core also has a 7,000-point shield. After 8 seconds of not taking damage, the shield regenerates 100 points per second until taking damage again.
  • It's important to note the core is invulnerable until at least one Keep is destroyed.
  • Some maps don't feature a traditional Core, and as such may have different values.

Patch changes[]

  • Patch (Patch September 13, 2016Note: The Health bar color for the player’s own hero has been changed from dark blue to yellow for color blind players.
  • Patch (Patch July 12, 2016Note: Regeneration Globes: Previously: Restore 6.24% of maximum Health over 4 seconds; Now: Restore 12% of maximum Health over 5 seconds.