Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Franchiseoverwatch This is from the Overwatch universe.

Quick shoutout to my fans - thanks for all the love and support. Winkie face.

Damage (4/10) Utility (8/10) Survivability (8/10) Complexity (6/10)

D.Va is a Ranged Warrior Hero from the Overwatch universe. Hana Song, also known as "D.Va", is both a world champion professional gamer and a burgeoning global icon. As a member of South Korea's elite MEKA unit, she fights to protect her homeland from the colossal omnic threat lurking within the East China Sea.


As the omnic continued to adapt, it eventually disrupted MEKA's drone-control networks, forcing the military to place pilots in the mechs. Scrambling to find suitable candidates, the government turned to the country's professional gamers, who possessed the necessary reflexes and instincts to operate the mechs' advanced weapons systems. Top stars were drafted, including reigning world champion Hana Song, also known as "D.Va." Famous for her elite skills, D.Va was a fierce competitor who played to win at all costs, and she had a well-earned reputation for showing no mercy to her opponents.

Gameplay Summary[]


  • D.Va's strength lies in the ability to disrupt the enemy team and to split them up with Boosters.
  • Capitalising on Defence Matrix is key as she can reduce a push in half with that ability.



Icon Boosters
Boosters (Q)
Cooldown: 9 seconds

Increases D.Va's movement speed by 125% for 2 seconds. Enemies that are hit take 135 (+4% per level) damage and are knocked away.

D.Va cannot be Slowed while Boosters are active.

Icon Defense Matrix
Defense Matrix (W)
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Channel a defensive field in the target direction for 3 seconds, reducing damage dealt by enemy Heroes inside it by 75%. The Mech can move while channeling, but cannot turn.

Damage dealt to the Mech by enemies within Defense Matrix still grants the same amount of Self-Destruct Charge.

Icon Self-Destruct
Self-Destruct (E)

Eject from the Mech, setting it to self-destruct after 4 seconds. Deals 400 (+4% per level) to 1200 (+4% per level) damage in a large area, depending on distance from center. Only deals 50% damage against Structures.

Gain 1% Charge for every 2 seconds spent Basic Attacking, and 30% Charge per 100% of Mech Health lost.

Icon Expensive Plating
Call Mech (E)
Cooldown: 45 seconds

Call a new Mech and enter Mech Mode.

Basic Attacks lower this cooldown by 0.5 seconds each.

Icon MEKAout

While in her Mech, D.Va can shoot while moving, but her Movement Speed is reduced by 15%.


Icon Mech Mode
Mech Mode

When D.Va's Mech dies, she is ejected after 0.75 seconds and can continue to fight. D.Va's Mech only awards 50% of a normal Hero's experience upon dying.

Icon GG WP
Pilot Mode

Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of Call Mech by 0.5 seconds. As a Pilot, D.Va only awards 50% of a normal Hero's experience upon dying.

Heroic Abilities[]

Icon Bunny Hop
Bunny Hop (R) [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Cooldown: 90 seconds

D.Va's Mech becomes Unstoppable and stomps every 0.5 seconds, dealing 60 (+4% per level) damage and Slowing enemies by 40%. Lasts 4 seconds.

Requires Mech Mode.

Icon Big Shot
Big Shot (R) [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Cooldown: 4 seconds

Deal 250 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in a line. The cooldown of Call Mech is reduced by 8 seconds for each enemy Hero hit.


Tier 1, Hero Level 1[]

Icon Boosters
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

If D.Va neither takes nor deals damage during Boosters, its cooldown is lowered by 7 seconds.

Icon Crash Course
Crash Course
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

IconQuestTalent Quest: Damage enemy Heroes with Boosters.
IconQuestTalent Reward: After damaging 20 Heroes, each use of Boosters lowers its cooldown by 1 second per Hero hit.

Icon Hit the Nitrous
Hit the Nitrous
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

Initial speed of Boosters is increased to 325%, then decays to normal boost speed over 0.5 seconds. During this time, Boosters deals 50% extra damage.

Icon Mech Mode
Pro Moves
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)

D.Va's Mech gains 2% Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds every time it takes damage, up to 30%.

Tier 2, Hero Level 4[]

Icon Defense Matrix
Diverting Power
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

The area of Defense Matrix is 100% wider and 25% longer, but D.Va's Movement Speed is reduced by an additional 30% for the duration.

Icon Get Through This
Get Through This!
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Increase the duration of Defense Matrix by 3 seconds.

Icon Self-Destruct
Bring It On
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Self-Destruct's Charge amount gained from losing Mech Health is increased by 30%.

Icon Fusion Generator
Fusion Generator
Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)

Every time an enemy Hero deals damage while inside Defense Matrix, D.Va's Self-Destruct Charge increases by 1%.

Max of 15% charge gained per use.

Tier 3, Hero Level 7[]

Icon Boosters
Coming Through
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Knockback distance of Boosters is increased by 100%

Icon Defense Matrix
Dazer Zone
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Enemy Heroes affected by Defense Matrix are Slowed by 20%.

Icon Self-Destruct
Nuclear Option
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Increase Self-Destruct's detonation timer by 3 seconds. Detonation damage increased by 70%.

A new Mech can still be called after 4 seconds.

Icon Get Through This
Aggression Matrix
Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)

Basic Attacks in Mech Mode against Heroes lower the cooldown of Defense Matrix by 0.25 seconds.

Tier 4, Hero Level 10[]

Icon Bunny Hop
Bunny Hop (R) [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Cooldown: 90 seconds

D.Va's Mech becomes Unstoppable and stomps every 0.5 seconds, dealing 60 (+4% per level) damage and Slowing enemies by 40%. Lasts 4 seconds.

Requires Mech Mode.

Icon Big Shot
Big Shot (R) [Heroic Ability]
Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Cooldown: 4 seconds

Deal 250 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in a line. The cooldown of Call Mech is reduced by 8 seconds for each enemy Hero hit.

Tier 5, Hero Level 13[]

Icon Mech Mode
Emergency Shielding
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

When D.Va's Mech would be destroyed, it instead gains a Shield that absorbs 210 (+4% per level) damage over 6 seconds.

This effect has a 15 second cooldown.

Icon Ablative Armor
Ablative Armor
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Damage against D.Va's Mech that would deal 4% or less of its maximum Health are reduced by 50%.

This does not decrease the amount of Self-Destruct Charge gained.

Icon Expensive Plating
Expensive Plating
Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)

Increase Mech Health by 20%, but also increase the cooldown of Call Mech by 15 seconds.

This does not decrease the amount of Self-Destruct Charge gained.

Tier 6, Hero Level 16[]

Icon GG WP
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Increase Pilot Mode Basic Attack damage by 50%. Participating in a Takedown while in Pilot Mode instantly refreshes the cooldown of Call Mech.

Icon Nanoweave Suit
Nanoweave Suit
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

For 4 seconds after ejecting from her Mech, D.Va gains 50 Armor and her Basic Attacks grant 50% more cooldown reduction towards Call Mech.

Icon Suppressing Fire
Suppressing Fire
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)

Pilot Mode Basic Attacks have 20% increased range and Slow enemy Movement Speed by 20% for 2.5 seconds.

Icon Torpedo Dash
Torpedo Dash
Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)
Cooldown: 12 seconds

D.Va gains the Torpedo Dash ability, allowing her to dash forward and pass through enemies.

Requires Pilot Mode.

Tier 7, Hero Level 20[]

Icon Bunny Hop
Stop and Pop
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Bunny Hop deals 200% more damage if D.Va isn't moving at the moment of impact.

Icon Big Shot
Pew! Pew! Pew!
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)

Instead of a single shot, Big Shot fires 3 shots over 0.5 seconds. Each shot deals 50% damage.

Icon Expensive Plating
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)
Cooldown: 45 seconds

Call Mech is instant and can target a location. Upon landing, the Mech deals 202 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in the impact area.

Icon Concussive Pulse
Concussive Pulse
Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)
Cooldown: 7 seconds

D.Va gains the Concussive Pulse ability, allowing her to deal 141 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in a cone and knock them back.

Requires Pilot Mode.

Talent Builds[]




E.T.C. provides plenty of disabling effects that D.Va lacks, so together they form a potent team that can both peel and jump onto an enemy with Boosters and Power Slide. If E.T.C. uses Mosh Pit, D.Va can drop a Self-Destructing Mech in the middle of the party for some spectacular results.

D.Va’s reduced Move Speed is offset by Lúcio’s Speed Boost, allowing her to have even more uptime on her Basic Attacks. D.Va is also incredibly resilient, allowing Lucio’s Healing Boost to get maximum value on her multiple Health pools.

Sgt. Hammerplate
D.Va is great at disrupting enemy engages due to her knockback, her Self-Destruct, and Defense Matrix. With D.Va providing protection, Sgt. Hammer can continue to shell away at the enemy team.

Effective against[]

Effective foes[]

Falstad’s Flight provides his team with an advantage on larger maps; this can put D.Va’s team at a strategic disadvantage when the opponents can out-rotate her around the map. Falstad can also select Mighty Gust and push D.Va’s Self-Destructing Mech away from his team, greatly reducing its value.

Malfurion's Roots not only stop D.Va in her tracks during Boosters, but can also root D.Va in pilot form after she pops out, helping the opposing team secure the kill on her.

The frequency of Muradin’s Stuns can interrupt Defense Matrix and Boosters, reducing D.Va’s ability to make an impact during team fights.


MEKA pilot (base)
MEKA Pilot Fiery D.Va Major D.Va DVa - Camo
MEKA Pilot Fiery Major Camo IconShard 150
DVa - X-Treme
X-Treme IconShard 150
Pro IconShard 100
Being a pro has its perks: sponsorship deals, an adoring fan base, customized polyfusion sequencers for your personal mecha... you know, little things.
Pro D.Va Competitive Pro D.Va Elite Pro D.Va DVa - Pro - Global
Pro Competitive Elite Global IconShard 150
DVa - Pro - Perfect
Perfect IconShard 150
Goliath IconShard 2400
Few mechs are as versatile as the goliath combat walker. Armed with the latest aftermarket upgrades, Corporal Song can call in a new walker from TACCOM whenever she gets the go-ahead.
This skin is related to the StarCraft themed-skins. Features altered voice-over and themed abilities.
Goliath D.Va Hazard Goliath D.Va Sharkmouth Goliath D.Va DVa - Goliath - Devil Dogs
Goliath Hazard Sharkmouth Devil Dogs
DVa - Goliath - Spectre
The Destroyer IconShard 2400
Why be a Worldbreaker when you can be a Gamebreaker?
This skin is related to the Warcraft themed-skins. Features altered voice-over, themed abilities and themed animations.
DVa - the Destroyer DVa - the Destroyerlisk DVa - the Dreamer DVa - the Life-Binder
The Destroyer The Destroyerlisk The Dreamer The Life-Binder
DVa - the Spellweaver
The Spellweaver


  • Unused voice clips in the game files for D.VA have her referring to a "hot coffee minigame". Whether this refers to a unused skill or a upcoming brawl is unknown.
  • The "Fiery" variation of her MEKA Pilot basic skin is a reference to Asuka and Evangelion Unit 02 from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
  • The "Major" variation of her MEKA Pilot basic skin is a possible reference to Major Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell.
  • The "Camo" variation of her MEKA Pilot basic skin contains a possible reference to Quiet from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
  • Her "Destroyer" skins are a reference to the Dragon Aspects in Warcraft: "The Destroyer" (Deathwing), "The Dreamer" (Ysera), "The Life-Binder" (Alexstrasza), and "The Spellweaver" (Malygos).

Patch changes[]

  • Patch (Patch December 20, 2017Note: Basic Attack damage in Mech form increased from 21 to 24.
  • Patch (Patch October 17, 2017Note: The keychain attached to D.Va’s Light Gun will now correctly appear during Hero Select.
  • Patch (Patch September 26, 2017Note: Camo D.Va, Global Pro D.Va, Perfect Pro D.Va, X-Treme D.Va skins added.; Mech deaths that occur while no enemy Heroes are nearby will now correctly grant XP and update D.Va’s death count on the in-game score screen.; A Nuke’s area of effect indicator will no longer disappear if D.Va finishes channeling Nuke in the same moment that her Mech is destroyed.
  • Patch (Patch September 5, 2017Note: Fixed an issue that could cause D.Va to become unresponsive when entering the Dragon Knight or Garden Terror after using Lt. Morales’ Medivac.
  • Patch (Patch August 8, 2017Note: Devil Dogs Goliath D.Va, Spectre Goliath D.Va skins added.
  • Patch (Patch June 28, 2017Note: Mech Basic Attack Damage reduced from 22.5 to 21; Mech Health reduced from 2060 to 2000; Mech Health Regeneration reduced from 4.86 to 4.17.
  • Patch (Patch May 31, 2017Note: Veteran and Elite D.Va A.I. will now use Call Mech more frequently.; Players will now correctly earn takedown credit toward certain Hero Talents and Abilities, like Seasoned Marksman or Li-Ming’s Critical Mass, after destroying D.Va’s Mech.
  • Patch (Patch May 16, 2017Note: Added.