Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Competition mounts are awarded to players who place during a season of Ranked Play; alternatively, other competition mounts are available to all players for a limited time to commemorate a team's victory in the Global or World Championships. Once that time has passed, the mounts are no longer available for crafting or purchase in the Collection interface.

Ranked Play mounts[]

Elemental Lizard - Orange Elemental Stag Elemental Wolf - Orange Cybersteed - Master
Elemental Lizard Elemental Stag Elemental Wolf Cybersteed
Epic Elemental Lizard - Orange Epic Elemental Stag Epic Elemental Wolf - Orange Epic Cybersteed - Master
Epic Elemental Lizard Epic Elemental Stag Epic Elemental Wolf Epic Cybersteed

World and Global Championship mounts[]

Nexagon1 2015 Spring Mount 2016 Summer Nexagon Fall Champion's Mount 2016
2015 Champion's Nexagon 2016 Spring Champion's Mount 2016 Summer Finals Nexagon 2016 Fall Champion's Mount

Patch changes[]
