Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Thatawesomecat Thatawesomecat 30 March 2020

Wiki Manager introduction

Hello Heroes of the Storm Wiki, I'm Thatawesomecat, your Wiki Manager here! I'll be acting as a liaison between you and Fandom Staff. For any questions or issues related to editing here, please feel free to reach out to me!

You can read more about Fandom Wiki Managers here: https://community.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:MisterWoodhouse/Introducing_the_Fandom_Wiki_Managers_and_Content_Team

I will be around to check your Recent Changes occasionally, but if you need me, please feel free to send me a message on my talk page here. I look forward to working with you!

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Raylan13 Raylan13 1 November 2018

BlizzCon 2018

This year marks the 12th BlizzCon hosted by Blizzard Entertainment. This conference is the source of major news and announcements from the company, including new games, expansions, and other important content additions and updates.

The Opening Ceremony serves as a teaser for things to come during the Con, with each game typically receiving a "what's next" as well as a "deep dive" with attached Q&A. The deep dive is a more in-depth look at particular upcoming features.

Below is the schedule for upcoming content related to Heroes of the Storm. Check back at this blog during and after the listed times to find out what was covered, and be sure to check out the remainder of the wiki for updates!

Note: all times are PST

11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • New hero born…

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HeroesWord HeroesWord 4 April 2018

The Heroes Word

Interested in my Heroes of the Storm blog? Take a look at it and anything else I've done lately on Heroesword.com

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Raylan13 Raylan13 1 November 2017

BlizzCon 2017

This year marks the 11th BlizzCon hosted by Blizzard Entertainment. This conference is the source of major news and announcements from the company, including new games, expansions, and other important content additions and updates.

The Opening Ceremony serves as a teaser for things to come during the Con, with each game typically receiving a "what's next" as well as a "deep dive" with attached Q&A. The deep dive is a more in-depth look at particular upcoming features.

Below is the schedule for upcoming content related to Heroes of the Storm. Check back at this blog during and after the listed times to find out what was covered, and be sure to check out the remainder of the wiki for updates!

Note: all times are PST

  • 1 November 3, 2017 (Friday)
    • 1.1 Ope…

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Raylan13 Raylan13 11 October 2017

Upcoming Collectibles - October 2017

Hallow's End is nigh, and with the release of Junkrat, the newest hero, and next month's BlizzCon, comes a host of new collectibles for every player's Collection.

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Raylan13 Raylan13 10 October 2017

Upcoming Skins - October 2017

With the upcoming introduction of Junkrat to Heroes of the Storm, there comes a host of new skins for a handful of heroes. Many of these are for the upcoming Hallow's End event, but there are some additions to skin sets we're already familiar with.

Below you can find a gallery of new skins being added to the Nexus, sorted by shard price point.

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Raylan13 Raylan13 19 September 2017

Upcoming Collectibles - September 2017

The Assault on Volskaya Foundry is nigh, and with the release of Ana, the newest hero, and Volskaya Foundry, the new battleground, comes a host of new collectibles for every player's Collection.

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Raylan13 Raylan13 19 September 2017

Upcoming Skins - September 2017

See more of Ana's upcoming patch in Assault on Volskaya Foundry.

With the upcoming introduction of Ana to Heroes of the Storm, there comes a host of new skins for a handful of heroes. Even though we were treated to a tease of a Deathwing-themed skin for D.Va, it doesn't look like that particular one will be available with the patch that introduces Ana; of course, Junkrat still has yet to be added, so hopefully his patch will bring that skin.

Below you can find a gallery of new skins being added to the Nexus, sorted by shard price point.

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TheBlueRogue TheBlueRogue 24 August 2015

PAX Prime eSports Community Question Submissions

Hello Heroes of the Storm Wiki Contributors!

If you’ve touched a controller/keyboard in the last 5 years, you’ve got an idea of what eSports is. People playing competitively for big bucks, occasionally in matching track suits. But there’s a lot more to it than that, don’t know the difference between ESL and FGC? Cloud9 and Day[9]? Fret not! Wikia and their panel of pros are here to answer your questions.

Wikia is hosting a panel at this year’s PAX Prime, entitled What the Heck is eSports with the help of industry pros such as:

Matt Dahlgren (Capcom), Trevor Housten (Blizzard), Craig Levine (ESL), Alex Mendez aka GoldenboyFTW (Twitch), Jorge Albor (Wikia), and Andrew Zucosky aka LiQuiD112 (Shacknews).

They’ll be explaining the world of eSports …

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Raylan13 Raylan13 7 June 2015

The Mayhem Begins

On Saturday, June 6th, we were treated to first-hand access to The Mayhem Begins, a livestream event hosted by YouTube featuring epic battles and announcements of yet-to-be-released content (which Hawki and Monsieur Xanadu have already dutifully been updating here). Unlike the folks hosting the event, we'll actually start with the new content!

If you don't know, Cloud9 is a team of professional gamers that managed to obliterate their competition in the world finals. They aren't to be taken lightly by any stretch. In our other corner we had UC Berkeley, the winners of the Heroes of the Dorm competition that recently took place. One might think that, given the fact the latter actually have to go to school, the pro gamers would effectively steam…

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Knakveey Knakveey 5 May 2015

MOBA Bracket Tournament

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Raylan13 Raylan13 5 November 2014

BlizzCon 2014

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Alayakin Alayakin 4 January 2014

What i learnt from Sicken's chat with a Dev

So, I was derping around Youtube, looking for some stuff to do, and i came across this channel called Sicksen. He posts great HotS content, even has an interview with Dustin Browder. You guys might have already seen them, but they're new to me. And i decided to write a post about everything new i learnt while watching (and that's saying a lot; i try to dig up every little bit of info i can on HotS)


Pls keep in mind that these info are ones that previously was unknown to me, or useful enough to put in. And most of you probably seen these videos already. Just thought i'd be nice enough to keep them in a nice orderly fashion  

Specific Heroes:

Illidan: He's Talent tree is composed of 3 actives, 2 passives, and an Ultimate.

Abathur:  - He's …

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Alayakin Alayakin 3 January 2014

Hey guys!

Hello everybody! My name is Alayakin, and I would love to contribute a lot to this Wiki. And before i do that i want to introduce myself.

I am a 15 year old geek that lives in France. I am Korean, and i speak English and Chinese naturally. How do i know that? PM and i'll explain  :D

Anyway, I have tons of new pictures and stuff that i can put into this wiki. Hopefully my activeties will be noticed by the admins (who are they, BTW?) and I might become one too!

Anyway, I'm going to start from now. If any of you have any questions feel free to ask them; i literally read, watched, and listened to all the HotS sources i could find, so any questions about the game and i'll respond the best i can, whether it's about my life or how queuing up will be…

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Raylan13 Raylan13 13 November 2013

Interview with Richard Khoo, Senior Game Designer

While attending BlizzCon 2013, a few of us had the unique opportunity to talk with Richard Khoo, Senior Game Designer (hero, battlegrounds, and talents), and Bob Colayco, of Heroes of the Storm. Below you'll find the transcript of the interview led by myself Raylan13 and Miguel (Wikia staff).

Raylan13 (R): A lot of people are going to be comparing this to League of Legends. What's the takeaway you want an LoL player to know who is also a fan of Wracraft, StarCraft, or Diablo?

Richard Khoo (RK): If they're a fan of Warcraft, Starcraft, or Diablo, the great thing is that we're drawing from lore that Blizzard has been working with for the past 22 years. I can play as Arthas and fight against Kerrigan, and to mix and match the fights like that is…

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