Announcers in Heroes of the Storm are an auditory cosmetic feature that allow players to choose which hero they would like to announce takedowns, kill streaks, and more. They are obtained through crafting ( 400 each for most) or via opening Loot Chests.
Each announcer has five voice lines they will deliver throughout the match. They are a variation of the following, with some heroes delivering their own peculiar twist:
- "Prepare for combat!"
- "Let the battle begin!"
- "Enemy slain."
- "Hero of the storm!"
- "Victory!"
- El Guapo
- Grave Keeper
- Raven Lord
Patch changes[]
(Patch April 24, 2018) Note: Deckard, Raven Lord, Grave Keeper added.
(Patch March 30, 2018) Note: Fixed a processing issue affecting one of the Mira Han Announcer’s voiceover lines in the Chinese game client.
(Patch March 27, 2018) Note: Fenix, Adjutant, and Mira Han added.
(Patch February 6, 2018) Note: Maiev added.
(Patch January 9, 2018) Note: Tyrael and Blaze added.
(Patch December 12, 2017) Note: Hanzo added.
(Patch November 14, 2017) Note: Alarak and Alexstrasza added.
(Patch October 17, 2017) Note: Junkrat added.
(Patch July 11, 2017) Note: Fixed an issue causing the Diablo announcer pack game start countdown to become out of sync.
(Patch May 16, 2017) Note: D.Va and Genji added.; Will now play their “Prepare for Battle” voiceover lines during the opening moments of a match.
(Patch April 25, 2017) Note: Added.