“ | Your demise is at hand!
” |
Alarak is a Melee Assassin Hero from the StarCraft universe. Not all heroes are born of altruism... Some, like Alarak, simply desire vengeance. As the new Highlord of the Tal'darim, Alarak leads his people to a destiny free of the corrupt influence of the fallen xel'naga, Amon.
Alarak is the highlord of the Tal'darim. He was previously the First Ascendant in the Chain of Ascension under Highlord Ma'lash. During the End War, Alarak used his alliance with the Daelaam to overthrow and replace Ma'lash, and turn the Tal'darim against Amon.
Gameplay Summary[]
Alarak is a Melee Assassin dealing heavy damage to Heroes, thanks to his trait, Sadism. He excels at pulling opponents out of their positions of safety and striking them with a flurry of abilities. Additionally, many of his talents allows him to decrease the value of Sadism in exchange for more utility for his abilities.
Overall, Alarak perfoms the best cooperating with his team, creating opportunities for taking down opponents in a quick and coordinated way. Learning the timing of his Discord Strike and Telekinesis is key.
He controls the battlefield by manipulating the positioning of his enemies. He can sacrifice raw damage for increased utility through Sadism, allowing him to deal with each challenge differently. Telekinesis allows him to push himself and enemies in any direction, while Discord Strike can render them completely helpless afterward. He is better at damaging Heroes than he is at clearing Minions and Mercenaries, but can solo lane very effectively due to his high self-sustain. Alarak works best in direct cooperation with his teammates, as he can setup or secure takedowns extremly well. Reliably landing Discord Strike and Telekinesis can be difficult, and requires practice. Putting in the time to get comfortable with these Abilities is essential in leveraging his great potential.
- Formidable lane bully and duelist.
- Can silence opponents with Discord Strike.
- Telekinesis is a versatile tool with a lot of uses; it can be used to either push or pull opponents, and even Alarak himself, granting him a good escape tool.
- Flexible talents that allows him to either increase his raw damage, or sacrifice Sadism for more utility.
- Lightning Surge gives Alarak very high self-sustain.
- Is currently the only character in the game that can access both Heroic Abilities. (Li-Ming has a similar alternative but requires Wave of Force to be selected as heroic ability, and has worse synergy)
- Deadly Charge has huge range and damage, allowing Alarak to surprise his enemies out of their sight radius.
- Counter-Strike is outstanding against teams with sustained damage, fast attackers, and to be used when expecting big cooldowns.
- At level 13 he can access talents that provide him with massive powerspikes, particularly Rite of Rak'Shir, which allows Alarak to increase his Sadism progressively without a cap.
- Relatively mana-intensive.
- Not very effective in sieging and other PvE situations (such as waveclearing and capturing Mercenaries).
- High skill ceiling, due Discord Strike and Telekinesis requiring precision and timing.
- Considerable low Basic Attack Damage.

Mana: 45
Cooldown: 8 seconds
After a 0.5 second delay, enemies in front of Alarak take 182 (+4% per level) damage and are silenced for 1.5 seconds.

Mana: 30
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Create a force, pushing yourself and all enemies hit from the targeted point towards the targeted direction. Deals 50 (+4% per level) damage to enemies.

Mana: 25
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Deal 62 (+4% per level) damage to an enemy and an additional 100% damage to enemies between Alarak and the target. Restore 70 (+4% per level) health for each Hero hit.
Heroic Abilities[]

Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 60
Cooldown: 45 seconds
After channeling, Alarak charges forward dealing 208 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in the path. Distance is increased based on the amount of time channeled, up to 1.625 seconds.
Issuing a Move order while this is channeling will cancel it at no cost. Taking damage will interrupt the channeling.

Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Alarak becomes Protected and Unstoppable and channels for 1 second. If an enemy Hero attacked Alarak during that time, Alarak sends a shockwave forward that deals 275 (+4% per level) damage.
Tier 1, Hero Level 1[]

Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)
Increases the healing you receive from dealing damage to Heroes with Lightning Surge by 40%.

Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)
Reduce Sadism by 10%. Quest: Hit Heroes with the center of Lightning Surge.
Reward: After hitting 5 Heroes, increase Lightning Surge's range by 20%.
Reward: After hitting 15 Heroes, Lightning Surge's center also Slows enemies by 40% for 2 seconds.
Reward: After hitting 3 Heroes with a single cast, increase Sadism by 10% and instantly gain all other Rewards.
Tier 2, Hero Level 4[]

Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)
Increase the Lightning Surge damage bonus to enemies between Alarak and his victim to 150%. Quest: (Repeatable) Each Hero hit by the center of Lightning Surge permanently increases the damage bonus by 5%.

Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)
Quest: Hit Heroes with Discord Strike.
Reward: After hitting 15 Heroes, increase Discord Strike's damage by 50.
Reward: After hitting 2 Heroes with a single Discord Strike, increase its damage by 50.
Reward: After hitting 3 Heroes with a single Discord Strike, increase its damage by 80 and instantly gain all other Rewards.

Tier 2 (Hero Level 4)
Heroes hit with 3 of Alarak's Abilities within 2 seconds take an additional 77 (+4% per level) damage.
Tier 3, Hero Level 7[]

Tier 3 (Hero Level 7)
Reduce Sadism by 10%, but Telekinesis pushes 20% further and has 20% increased range.
Tier 4, Hero Level 10[]

Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 60
Cooldown: 45 seconds
After channeling, Alarak charges forward dealing 208 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in the path. Distance is increased based on the amount of time channeled, up to 1.625 seconds.
Issuing a Move order while this is channeling will cancel it at no cost. Taking damage will interrupt the channeling.

Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Alarak becomes Protected and Unstoppable and channels for 1 second. If an enemy Hero attacked Alarak during that time, Alarak sends a shockwave forward that deals 275 (+4% per level) damage.
Tier 5, Hero Level 13[]

Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)
Increase Sadism by 10% any time an allied Hero dies, up to 40%.
Sadism gained from Pure Malice is lost on death.

Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)
Basic Attacks against Heroes increase Sadism by 7% for 4 seconds, stacking up to 35%. Basic Attacks against Heroes refresh this duration.

Tier 5 (Hero Level 13)
Cooldown: 300 seconds
Activate to mark an enemy Hero for 300 seconds.
Hitting the marked Hero with Discord Strike increases Sadism by 3%. Killing the marked Hero increases Sadism by 5% and lowers the cooldown of Rite of Rak'Shir to 10 seconds.
Sadism gained from Rite of Rak'Shir is lost on death.
Tier 6, Hero Level 16[]

Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)
Hitting an enemy Hero with Discord Strike grants 50% of Sadism's damage bonus to Alarak's Basic Attacks for 4 seconds. Basic Attacks against Heroes refresh this duration.

Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)
Hitting an enemy Hero with the center of Lightning Surge allows it to be cast again for free on a different primary target within the next 2 seconds. This free cast cannot benefit from Lightning Barrage.

Tier 6 (Hero Level 16)
Basic Attacks against Stunned, Silenced, Slowed, or Rooted Heroes reduce the cooldown of Alarak's Basic Abilities by 2.5 seconds.
Tier 7, Hero Level 20[]
- Note: Players will be able to choose either the other heroic ability from level 10 above, or decide between Hasty Bargain and Last Laugh. If the alternate heroic ability is chosen, it takes the place of Sadism.

Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 60
Cooldown: 45 seconds
After channeling, Alarak charges forward dealing 208 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in the path. Distance is increased based on the amount of time channeled, up to 1.625 seconds.
Issuing a Move order while this is channeling will cancel it at no cost. Taking damage will interrupt the channeling.

Tier 4 (Hero Level 10)
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Alarak becomes Protected and Unstoppable and channels for 1 second. If an enemy Hero attacked Alarak during that time, Alarak sends a shockwave forward that deals 275 (+4% per level) damage.

Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Activate to permanently reduce your Sadism bonus by 4% and reset the cooldowns of your Basic Abilities.

Tier 7 (Hero Level 20)
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Activate teleport to the chosen location and remove all Roots, Slows, and damage over time effects. If Alarak fails to hit enemy Heroes 3 times with Basic Abilities within 4 seconds of using Last Laugh, his Health is reduced to 1.
Talent Builds[]
- Discord Strike Build: focused on increasing the damage of Discord Strike through Chaos Reign as much and as quick as possible. Recommended when the enemy team has Heroes with poor mobility.
- Lightning Surge Build: focused on increasing the damage of Lightning Surge through Extended Lightning and Negatively Charged, with a damage potential that can technically exceed his Discord Strike Build. Featuring a very poking styled gameplay, it works the best against enemy teams featuring many melee Heroes.
- Analyze well the enemy team composition, and adjust the talents accordingly. Sometimes it is more viable to sacrifice damage from Sadism in order to gain advantage over the opponents.
- Alarak requires very precision, since his skillshots can be hard to hit. Using the "On Release" option (at the Keybinds menu) for Discord Strike, Telekinesis and Counter-Strike allows for better aiming with the reticules.
- The Telekinesis > Discord Strike is generally the best way to take down enemy Heroes, but requires practice and precision to master.
- Mastering Telekinesis is the key to mastering Alarak himself; try to find creative ways to use it, such as pushing opponents towards your allies' Heroic Abilities, to prevent the enemies' own abilities, or to reposition Alarak in order to flee.
- Always try to hit as many opponents as possible with Lightning Surge to increase your healing, and also to gain stacks for the Extended Lightning and Negatively Charged quest talents.
- Always cast Deadly Charge out of the opponents' field of view, so Alarak can enter the fight by surprise and throw opponents off balance, or to secure a kill when enemies are fleeing. Notify your team before casting this ability, so they know how to follow up.
- Be careful to not channel the ability near enemy minions that can attack Alarak, as it will cancel the cast.
- Under the right conditions, Alarak can use Deadly Charge as a escape tool, as long he is not hit during the channeling.
- Make sure to cast Counter-Strike in the right moments, to hit as many opponents as possible.
- The counter can trigger from damage over time effects.
Alarak is best paired with Heroes that can follow up his kill setups, such as burst damage Assassins, and/or Heroes with reliable crowd control to ensure his Telekinesis > Discord Strike combo. His strong teamfight presence also allows for effectively split-pushing.
Effective against[]
Alarak excels at moving enemies out of position, particularly those who rely too much on their cooldowns. If well timed, his abilities can interrupt many key abilities and prevent the enemy team from unleashing mayhem. Also, thanks to his Sadism, he performs well against Heroes with low health, particularly frail Assassins.
Effective foes[]
Despite his raw power, Alarak is quick to take down by Heroes that can stun him efficiently. Heroes with high mobility can also become a nuisance for him, as most of his abilities require pinpoint precision. Additionally, making Alarak waste his Telekinesis early in the teamfights makes harder for him to escape, allowing the team to retaliate.
- Highlord of the Tal'darim (base)
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Highlord of the Tal'darim | Crimson | Ivory | Regal ![]() |
- Highlord Alarak
- The Highlord's armor serves as both ceremonial adornment and as a conduit of raw power. Adorned with blood shards and fueled by terrazine, it channels Alarak's fury directly into his blades.
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Highlord | Golden | Emerald | Amethyst ![]() |
- Herald of N'Zoth
- The God of the Deep writhes within his prison, thrashing endlessly. Alarak, the Corruptor's Herald, brings word of the Old God's return, preparing all realities for the coming change.
- This skin is related to the Warcraft themed-skins. Features altered voice-over and themed abilities.
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Herald of N'Zoth | Twilight | Bone | Deep ![]() |
- Dark Nexus
- In the forgotten darkness beyond reality, a new avatar of primordial power has been forged. The dark mirror of Alarak's malice and sadism seethes with contempt toward all of existence... including its own.
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Dark Nexus | Forgotten | Shattered |
Patch changes[]
(Patch August 8, 2017) Note: Amethyst Highlord Alarak skin added.
(Patch May 16, 2017) Note: Received updated visual effects to coincide with Talent updates.
(Patch September 20, 2016) Note: A delicious toaster pastry has been removed from the far-left side of the Alarak Home Screen in ultra-wide resolutions.
(Patch September 13, 2016) Note: Added.