Achievement Portraits are unlocked by meeting certain requirements. They do not drop from Loot Chests , nor can they be crafted via the Collection. Note that some of them are no longer available.
- Alpha Player: Awarded for playing during the technical alpha.
- BlizzCon 2014: Awarded for attending or purchasing a virtual ticket for BlizzCon 2014.
- BlizzCon 2016: Awarded for attending or purchasing a virtual ticket for BlizzCon 2016.
- BlizzCon 2017: Awarded for attending or purchasing a virtual ticket for BlizzCon 2017.
- Angiris Council: Awarded for reaching Hero level 15 with Tyrael, Auriel, and Malthael.
- Diablo Heroes Collection 1: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Valla, Nazeebo, and Sonya.
- Diablo Heroes Collection 2: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Kharazim and Johanna.
- Diablo Villains: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Leoric, The Butcher, and Diablo.
- Double Trouble: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Cho and Gall.
- Night Elf Betrayer Collection: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Malfurion, Tyrande, and Illidan.
- Reign of Chaos Collection: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Arthas, Uther, Jaina, and Thrall.
- StarCraft Rebels Collection: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Raynor, Tychus, and Kerrigan.
- Stormstout Collection: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Chen and Li Li.
- Swarm Evolution Collection: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Zagara and Abathur.
- Terran Front-line Collector's Portrait: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Nova, Sgt. Hammer, and Lt. Morales.
- Undercity Collection: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Sylvanas and Stitches.
- United Protoss Collection: Awarded for reaching Hero Level 15 with Artanis, Zeratul, and Tassadar.
Though these portraits were obtainable prior to Heroes of the Storm 2.0, they don't appear in the Collection unless they were already earned.
- Alpha Hero: Awarded for reaching player level 40 during the technical alpha.
- Beta Player: Awarded for playing during beta.
- Beta Hero: Awarded for reaching player level 40 during beta.
- Facebook: Awarded for logging in during the Facebook milestone celebration.
- Launch Week: Awarded for logging in during the first week of release (June 2, 2015 - June 9, 2015).
- Player Participation: Awarded to those who competed in 2016 Heroes of the Dorm tournament.
- Tespa Membership: Awarded to official members of TeSPA. (May still be available to certain players if TeSPA is accepting applications for chapters in their area)
- Veteran Hero: Awarded for reaching Player Level 2 before Heroes of the Storm 2.0 release.
- Wonder Billie: Awarded for making a real money purchase during technical alpha or beta.